Christmas goals?

Hey all as from today until the 1st I am taking a more relaxed approach to my weight loss journey. I will still be exercising and eating significantly healthier than previous Christmas's but I feel now is a good time to relax. I am not trying to lose weight over Christmas however my aim is to not put any weight on over Christmas. What's all yours? :-)

Feel free to add me!

Good luck all!


  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    My goal is to enjoy all the seasonal delights that 12/25 and 12/31 have to offer (within's not an eating contest). Every other day will be business as usual.


  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    I'm actually trying to do the opposite of what most people are doing during the holidays. I'm using it as an excuse to work even harder than normal. I live on my own and almost all of my friends are out of town, so with the exception of the couple of days I'll spend with my family, I'll have nothing to do the next couple of weeks.

    Because of this, i am focusing on spending more time at the gym and doing better workouts. There are a lot of people I won't see for 4-5 weeks, so I'd like to be in noticeably better shape the next time they see me than when they saw me last. So far it's been working well.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Not too put weight, because I know that I am loosing muscle tone since I am visiting my son and his family and I am not going to the gym.

    I don't eat too many sweets, so temptation will not be a problem (I hope!), I just need to keep portions under control on 12/24 and 12/25. Have a party to go on Jan 02, and that will be my down fault because my friends prepare very tasty and tempting appetizers.
  • goohan
    goohan Posts: 155
    since the cold weather i have just found it too hard to loose 1lb a week so I have changed my calories to only loose 1/2lb a week. I think this is much better than starving and binge eating x
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I'm actually trying to do the opposite of what most people are doing during the holidays. I'm using it as an excuse to work even harder than normal. I live on my own and almost all of my friends are out of town, so with the exception of the couple of days I'll spend with my family, I'll have nothing to do the next couple of weeks.

    Because of this, i am focusing on spending more time at the gym and doing better workouts. There are a lot of people I won't see for 4-5 weeks, so I'd like to be in noticeably better shape the next time they see me than when they saw me last. So far it's been working well.

    I like your attitud and approach. I have done the same in the past (long time ago), specially if my husband and I didn't have major plans for the holidays. It worked, I even managed to loose a couple of lbs in several occasions. Not possible this year, so I will be happy if I don't put any weight since I am already on maintenance. Happy Holidays!
  • Samantha0905
    Normally I gain about 5 pounds with Christmas and New Years.. this year.. not to gain an ounce.. I'd actually plan to lose a couple pounds. Sure I could use the holidays as an excuse to eat and drink whatever I want.. but then what's my next excuse? I'll be logging every bite!