Fat Smash Information

I've had a lot of people ask me about the Fat Smash diet and I hope this helps.

Smash Diet

Ian Smith's Fat Smash Diet is a simple, four-phase plan that gradually walks you through the stages needed to successfully lose weight and keep it off. It is designed to help you spend 90 days developing both healthy eating habits and a healthy lifestyle, so that you can enjoy life to the fullest.
Why the "Smash" Diet?

Dr. Smith named his diet because it is supposed to help you "smash" bad habits and conquer the "demons" of your past, so that you can build a "new and improved" you. It also "smashes" the misconceptions and misinformation about diet and weight loss that may have been holding you back from achieving your weight loss goals.

Phase One: Detox

The nine-day first phase of the diet is a time when you eat primarily fruits and vegetables, to allow your body to cleanse itself of impurities and toxins. The focus on raw or lightly cooked (steamed or grilled) vegetables and fruits also allows your body to make use of the abundant vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that are present in these most natural of foods. During this phase, you establish the habit of eating four to five small meals daily at three-hour intervals. While the menu for meals is rather limited, there is no restriction on how much you eat -- though overeating is discouraged. A 20- to 25-minute walk after dinner (or some other light exercise) is recommended, or 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise five times per week.

Allowed Foods
all fruit
all vegetables except white potatoes and avocadoes
dried beans (e.g., chickpeas, lentils)
brown rice
limited skim or soy milk
herbs and spices
low-fat yogurt (no more than 12 oz. daily)
up to 4 egg whites daily
herbal tea
unlimited water

Phase Two: Foundation

The three-week second phase continues the building of good habits while introducing additional foods and increasing physical activity. You continue to eat four to five small meals at three-hour intervals, and you try to maintain a high intake of fruits and vegetables. Skipping meals is not permitted, and fried foods are discouraged. Physical exercise is increased by 10 to 15%."New" Allowed Foods
one-half an avocado per day is allowed in this phase, but white potatoes are still forbidden
3 to 4 ounces of meat or seafood daily
1 whole egg
1 ounce of cheese
1 1/2 cups of certain cold cereals (e.g., shredded wheat, Total, Chex)
1/2 cup of certain hot cereals (e.g., oatmeal, farina)
up to 4 teaspoons of sugar or artificial sweetener
up to 2 teaspoons of salt, and unlimited quantities of herbs and spices
2 teaspoons of peanut butter
2 cans of diet soda
10 ounces of coffee
8 ounces of fresh-squeezed fruit juice
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Phase Three: Construction

Phase three of the Smash Diet adds still more foods to the allowed list, and increases physical activity yet further. You must eat at least four times per day, and you should continue eating ample quantities of fruits and vegetables. The list of allowed foods both adds new foods and increases allowed portions of other foods. The good news is you can now add a non-fruit dessert once a day. Exercise should be increased by 25%."New" Allowed Foods
you can now drink up to 16 ounces of fresh-squeezed fruit juice
meat servings increase to 5 ounces (seafood stays at 3 ounces)
two whole eggs
up to 3 cups of skim or soy milk
1 cup of whole wheat pasta
4 thin slices of whole grain bread
3 chocolate chip cookies
2 oatmeal raisin cookies
1 scoop low-fat ice cream

Phase Four: The Temple

This final phase of The Fat Smash Diet is equivalent to the maintenance phase of most other diets. In this phase, most previously forbidden foods are allowed (albeit in limited quantities), and physical activity is increased to one hour five times per week. At this point, if you have not reached your goal weight, you can repeat the sequence of phases as many times as you wish until you have achieved your goal.


  • thiick2fit11
    Thank you for sharing!
  • gillopez
    Uff, this sounds tuff, is it the same for males ?
  • kizzy_muss
    kizzy_muss Posts: 585 Member
    how long is phase 3?
  • MsCyone
    MsCyone Posts: 223 Member
    Uff, this sounds tuff, is it the same for males ?

    Its tough :) but it works, since there isnt a limit on fruits and veggies if you try it you can just add enough fruits and veggies to feel full.
  • MsCyone
    MsCyone Posts: 223 Member
    Uff, this sounds tuff, is it the same for males ?

    Its tough :) but it works, since there isnt a limit on fruits and veggies if you try it you can just add enough fruits and veggies to feel full.
  • MsCyone
    MsCyone Posts: 223 Member
    how long is phase 3?

    Phase 3 is 4 weeks.