Phentermine... help!



  • watkinsc
    watkinsc Posts: 177 Member
    Meridia has always been known to elevate blood pressure. Originally it was something that one could monitor and document that it was being monitored. However, the FDA did ask for an outcomes study looking at the incidence of cardiovascular events in people taking Meridia and it showed a statistically significant increase. It is probably safe for young people who do not have high blood pressure or metabolic syndrome, but unfortunately that is not necessarily how that medication was used.

    Phentermine is a very unsafe medication, that has been shown to directly cause significant valvular problems in the heart. It should be removed from the market but because its use is restricted and its perscriptions are low, it continues to stay on the market. Actually to be fair to Meridia, it was a voluntary recall of the medication... its marker Abbott agreed to withdraw it since it was a small amount of their prescriptions.

    **Dont know why my "quote" didnt work, but my post is in reply of the first 2 paragraphs**

    True, in the US they voluntarily withdraw meridia, but in Europe it was removed from the market in january 2010. And I think Phentermine has never been prescribed or was legally available in Europe. But I've seen on some bodybulding forums that people get them anyhow and use it without knowing how to use it. One guy used 1 dose of 15 mg and felt nothing, and another guy responded, well use 2, then 4, then 8!! till you feel something... I wonder if and when people will start using AZT / aids inhibitors just because it "melts" your bodyfat...

    Ugh, yes .. putting chemicals in your body is not something that should be taken lightly.. =(
  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    i guess I didn't explain myself clearly enough. Prior to my gastric bypass I was on a medically supervised diet w/ phentermine. i lost 30lbs. I did not gain it back as I had surgery soon after. I lost another 90lbs or so. However, I had a complication a few months down the road, had a feeding tube etc. and it threw me way off track. From start to finish I lost about 130 lbs-ish and gain about 25 back in the last 2 years or so. I would never by phantermine, phentyrmine, etc from the web i know the real deal is only from a doctor. I have looked into food addicts annonomous, overeaters annonomous, a therapist, what have you. I really just want a kick in the pants from a medical professional who can also prescribe a medicine that has worked for me in the past to help get down to my goal weight. Thx again to all who posted.
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    id say just do it naturally..
    i agreeee
  • Gargwin82
    Gargwin82 Posts: 152 Member
    Ok going kinda against everyone here. YES I'm all for losing the weight naturally and am doing my best to. HOWEVER I do take a natural supliment of cayenne pepper pills to help with digestion, PGX before meals to keep from over eating and drinking LOADS of water.

    The cayenne peper I was doubtful about until I stopped using it for a week and ended up irregular again (I'm not going into detail). The PGX I started taking after a friend of mine managed to break through her plateau and lose her last 15lbs in 2 months. I don't expect those results, however I keep bouncing between 183lbs and 187lbs and can't seem to break it. Again when I stopped taking it for a week I was super snacky and eating without thinking about it again. The PGX is expensive and you're suposed to work your way up to 6 before a meal. I'm at 3 and it seems to be doing ok.

    Stopping my loads of water ended with me looking like the goalie for a dart team. I'm sure it's most likely the reason for a lot of stuff that happened that week as well.

    ANYWAYS my post has probably made me really unpopular, but just like you I'm stuck and just needed to try something different. Bouncing back and forth is so disheartening and makes me physically feel bad. Whether the pills are more mental than actually helpful I don't know. Perhaps at this moment I need a "sugar pill" to mentally get me losing again.
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