
foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
I eat eggs every day...should I be concerned about the cholesterol?


  • DHalaby73
    DHalaby73 Posts: 980 Member
    If there whole eggs yes...I did that and ended up with my cholesterol being higher then it should be..If you eat just the whites thats better for you..
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    If there whole eggs yes...I did that and ended up with my cholesterol being higher then it should be..If you eat just the whites thats better for you..

    I always felt like it was such a waste of food to throw out the yolks :(
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    you could maybe do one yolk for every two eggs also the fats in eggs are very good for you
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    you could maybe do one yolk for every two eggs also the fats in eggs are very good for you

    maybe I will just start buying those egg beater boxes...if they sell them in whites. I have read mixed reviews saying that the cholesterol in eggs really isn't as bad as other kinds of cholesterol...but there is too much info and I really don't care to sift through it. What I want to know: good or bad.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Nutrishop carries Eggs International. It is just egg whites, so no cholesterol worries.
  • Teresa652
    Teresa652 Posts: 217 Member
    We buy the egg beaters for recipes and making omelets and we enjoy them. I eat a lot of eggs and I haven't had any issues with cholestrol. I would suggest talking to a doctor if you are overly concerened about it.
  • MayaPapaya64
    I know this isn't necessarily weight loss related, but it IS health related, from a public health perspective. How much do you know about the egg industry? In my line of work I've learned a LOT about it, and it's really really bad. From an animal rights perspective, egg laying hens are the worst treated - they are trapped in cages that are so small they can hardly turn around or spread their wings. The cages are stacked on top of each other so often there's lots of poop all over the hens and cages. It's nasty. That's why we've had those huge egg recalls. The big egg farms also often use undocumented immigrant labor. Oh, and the chicken manure is kept in these nasty HUGE lagoons of crap, which is extremely harmful to the environment.

    So really, from any perspective - even if you don't care about animal welfare, the industry is bad news.

    If you must eat them, please try to get some at your local farmers market and learn where they are coming from, or at the VERY VERY least go free range. Seriously.
  • skylersnanna
    I've been eating eggs yep even the yolk nearly every day for about 8 years and I have never had a cholesterol problem ever
  • MayaPapaya64
    PS - when you bake, try using either apple sauce or bananas to replace the egg. Or, if you don't like that, Ener-G makes this stuff called Egg Replacer, which is a pretty perfect substitute.

    And tofu scrambles are not so bad as an omelet replacer - seriously! Also NO CHOLESTEROL AT ALL!!!
  • BoresEasily
    There's been loads of research on the subject in recent years and everything seems to point to food cholesterol not affecting blood cholesterol. So unless you already have high cholesterol or a history of it in your family you don't need to worry about it.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    If you don't already have a problem you should be fine but read for yourself or just google "eggs and cholesterol" I have several a week, my cholesterol is a very healthy 3.7 (UK readings differ from US) despite being several stone overweight. I rarely eat red meat tho and its even rarer for me to eat process meat products
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    If there whole eggs yes...I did that and ended up with my cholesterol being higher then it should be..If you eat just the whites thats better for you..

    I always felt like it was such a waste of food to throw out the yolks :(

    That's because it is a damned waste, all the goodness is in the yolk.

    Regarding the cholesterol, it is not a blanket cast iron fact across the board that eating all the egg will send your cholesterol through the roof or even higher.

    Eggs are full of goodness, that is the whole egg, not just the whites. In fact, if you just eat the whites, you are getting next to nothing when it comes to nutrients so it is entirely up to you.

    Website below is from a certified nutritionist and if you read it you will see that by eating the whole thing, certain processes are put into place.

    The yolk is where all the minerals are and eggs are an excellent source of food.
  • BoresEasily
    If you don't already have a problem you should be fine but read for yourself or just google "eggs and cholesterol" I have several a week, my cholesterol is a very healthy 3.7 (UK readings differ from US) despite being several stone overweight. I rarely eat red meat tho and its even rarer for me to eat process meat products

    The third link. A few years back when I was at my healthiest at least until now. I would actually eat an omelette or two a day and I did lose inches but i didn't think anything of it at the time. And I never ever ate egg whites and my cholesterol was fine. My blood pressure was excellent. These days I eat a 3-4 egg omelette a day and I've consistently lost inches and according to my last check-up, weight as well. Do your research, there's a lot of information on HDL and LDL cholesterol and the truth behind it. I would never recommend an egg to someone with diabetes or high blood cholesterol but if you're otherwise healthy, go for it.
  • VikkiLynn
    Can you tell me where you found the site to do that?----(To have a cartoon pic made of a before and after pic of yourself?.... That is so awesome! Thanks
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    I buy the egg beaters, Walmart has a store brand that's cheaper, but it's the same thing. All the good stuff for you is in the whites, not the yellow part. The yellow part has all the fat and cholesterol. Also, I don't know if you have pets, but when I did buy regular eggs, I would cook up just the yolks for the dogs...they love it, and it makes their coats nice!
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member

    The third link. A few years back when I was at my healthiest at least until now. I would actually eat an omelette or two a day and I did lose inches but i didn't think anything of it at the time. And I never ever ate egg whites and my cholesterol was fine. My blood pressure was excellent. These days I eat a 3-4 egg omelette a day and I've consistently lost inches and according to my last check-up, weight as well. Do your research, there's a lot of information on HDL and LDL cholesterol and the truth behind it. I would never recommend an egg to someone with diabetes or high blood cholesterol but if you're otherwise healthy, go for it.

    My weight loss had been going great until 5 weeks ago when i had a static, then a 2lb loss then 3 statics on the trot. I didn't think i'd really changed anything, calories were still the same and the only change was that i'd reduced my egg consumption. Didn't really think it could be that tho thought it was just a plateau and maybe it was but this past week I've eaten a lot of eggs, had lots in and hate wasting food. I weighed in on Sunday to be greeted with my 3rd static but on Tuesday i was 3lb down and another 1lb today. Maybe its coincidence but I'm gonna keep eating those eggs for a while and then stop again to see if my weight loss stalls.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I buy the egg beaters, Walmart has a store brand that's cheaper, but it's the same thing. All the good stuff for you is in the whites, not the yellow part. The yellow part has all the fat and cholesterol. Also, I don't know if you have pets, but when I did buy regular eggs, I would cook up just the yolks for the dogs...they love it, and it makes their coats nice!

    most of the good stuff is in the yolks but the whole egg is better for you overall

    nutrition data, scroll down for the vitamin and mineral tables

    egg white .....

    egg yolk ......

    whole egg ...
  • npryor100
    npryor100 Posts: 99 Member
    I use one egg, one egg white when I make eggs for breakfast after seeing on the MFP nutrition tools that scrambling 2 eggs for breakfast got me very close to using my entire cholesteral allotment for the WHOLE DAY just at breakfast.

    While yes, not all fat is bad fat and not all cholesterol is bad stay within my calorie goal and nutritional goals, I opted to only have one whole egg for breakfast.

    I did the math and it is cheaper for me per serving to throw away the yolk on 1/2 the eggs in a carton than to use the egg white/egg beaters.

    I think also in terms of my mentality toward food, one of my biggest lessons has been learning that throwing away food is not always a bad thing. I no longer feel bad throwing crap in the garbage that I used to throw in my stomach just because I didn't want it to "go to waste."
  • wiggleroom
    wiggleroom Posts: 322 Member
    BoresEasily is correct -- dietary cholesterol actually does not affect your body's cholesterol levels. High cholesterol comes from high fat consumption and genetics.

    Eggs are fantastic -- God's perfect little packages of protein! And as another poster said (sorry - can't recall the name) -- eating eggs (real ones! Whole ones!) has been shown to contribute to weight loss. Especially when eaten in the morning (protein in the a.m. is key to starting your body off right for the day).