Stomach and GI Troubles

Does anyone here suffer from any sort of GI condition that makes it sometimes very difficult, or even impossible to exercise? I've been getting extremely frustrated recently due to my own GI troubles and am in need of someone who can relate, to chat with.


  • iklenic
    iklenic Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I am fairy new to exercise but I also have Stomach problems,
    I have IBS, Food Intolerances & a possible Ulcer, so it can make exercising very difficult, I often feel very sick, have upset stomach, i.e on runs im worried I 'll actually get the runs, so I take an imodium, which then causes other problems!
    I get pain & cramps most days, and its a minefield trying to find meals that wont cause problems to enable me to exercise, or indeed give me the energy,
    so while I've no advice, I can sympathise
    all I can do is try and get healthy again but I do believe that exercise will help the healing
  • I feel you on the IBS front! Mine has been flaring up the last few days so I've been weak and felt quite foggy, which makes exercise impossible since I will likely hurt myself or make it much worse. It's just been driving me insane.
    I've also got gallbladder troubles and a hypertensive LES, so I've been working with doctors for most of my life to find food and diet plans that will work for me, but when the IBS flares up I end up having to go on a medical liquid diet until it settles and it messes up my schedule quite a bit.

    It's nice to know that I at least am not alone with these sort of frustrations.