Could it be any easier!



  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    good luck it really is just tracking everything you eat and staying at or below the recommended calories. I lost over 100lbs went from a snug XXL shirt and 42" waist to Large or even Medium shirts and 34" waist and I don't even have to unbutton my pants to take them off
  • EmmaFitzwilliam
    EmmaFitzwilliam Posts: 482 Member
    As others have noted, the hard part comes in later.

    Everybody has different needs. The plan that helped a friend lose 140 pounds in a year isn't a plan that will work (entirely) for me.

    Mind you, my friend has some good benchmarks, which I tend to also meet, but not because they're goals of mine. "No food from a place with a drive through" and "No food with a TV commercial" will do a lot to keep you eating more healthfully.

    The most notable hard parts for me are 1) boredom with what I am eating, and 2) the hassle of grocery shopping mindfully. I like very few vegetables, but buy the ones I like. I'm not as far along as I might be if I liked more vegetables, but I'm doing okay.

    It takes a lot of consideration to eat out, too. I eat a lot of sushi. And am learning to like omelets.

    My plan? Eat mindfully. Actually be aware of what I am eating.

    It's not like I can say I'm deprived when I have a yogurt and a half cup of blueberries. Or have a nectarine in Half and Half for dessert. Or a 110 calorie half cup of strawberry ice cream (although I prefer a 220 calorie full cup!).

    And over time, it's actually gotten a little harder to meed the 1200 calorie minimum which *is* appropriate for my 5'2" sedentary female self.

  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member
    You have gotten a ton of great advise on this thread. It's based on years of experience. Please listen to it and increase your calories. I easily loss eating between 1850-2250 calories. I understand your focus on sodium and sugar but you need to get your calories up. Best wishes and stay motivated.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Yea im suffering a little setback today...... After purchasing the new shows and walking yesterday this morning I looked and my two big twos and I got bleeding blisters on them...... problem is due to the nueropathy I didnt know I had those till I saw them :( I got to be real careful with stuff like that...... For people that dont know when you have Neuropathy you dont feel stuff...... so I wasnt aware there were blisters till I saw them.....

    That's really rough mate. Sounds like your new shoes either need breaking in slowly or are too small for you around the toes. Are you flat footed by any chance? If so you might like to look into wide fitting shoes =) Finding good footwear can be a tricky business doubly so in your book because you are missing out the primary signal that footwear is bad. I.e pain. It might be worth seeing a professional in this regard. Rather than trying to buy shoes out of a catalog or off the shelf. Go and get a gait analysis done and get your feet measured. A good podiatrist should be able to sort you out with something that wont give you terrible blisters.

    Also after walking soak your feet in a bath of warm salt water. It seemed to help me. Unsure of any sciency weincy stuff but me mum always swore by it she said it "toughened the skin" And it seemed to work for me too. i don't have the numbness you have. But I have size 15 flat feet with mental bunions that screamed in pain if I overdid things or used bad footwear so I know all about foot problems XD.