Yoga and Jogging workouts?

Hi all! First time posting here. I have a quick question. I am currently training to be a yoga teacher, so I end up working out (so to say), for roughly 90 minutes through Hatha Yoga 5 days a week in the mornings. I was wondering, if I could add a C25K plan for 3 days/week to my evening workouts?

I have been struggling to lose my weight for the past year, and have only just come to balancing my workouts, diet and daily lifestyle. I used to eat a lot of carbs (that's what was available at home), but now I am beginning to get my ratio of carbs, proteins and fats right. I had attempted the C25K earlier when I was 23, and I ended up losing a kilo a week. I am wondering why at 27, weight loss has become so difficult. I guess, the fact that I was anemic for a long time and didn't know either also made it difficult. Working out 40 minutes a day at the gym, I lost only 2 kilos in 5 months, but did tone up a lot. But I really wanted to hit my goal weight of 58 kilos at least in 3 months (is that too fast? I weigh 73 kilos currently), through a combination of Yoga (60 mins a day after my course ends)+ jogging on alternate days on the C25K program. What do you reckon? Would appreciate your answers. :-) I felt I needed the vigorousness of a cardio workout to start seeing results along with my diet.



  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Losing weight does not come from exercise, although exercise enhances it. Losing weight begins in your kitchen, so calorie deficit = weight loss.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Yup. Weight loss is almost entirely based on your diet. If you're not losing, your diet is out of whack.
  • misscmhomer
    misscmhomer Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I'm doing the c25k too, along with eating clean and of course other visits to the gym, its def worth it. I am becoming more toned and losing weight too. I say go for it :D
  • coucoubee
    @SingRunTing, @Lifting4Lis: Thanks for your suggestions. :-) yeah, am figuring that out slowly. I am anemic, so my former gym instructor had put me on a diet to first get enough food into me cause I was undereating. I guess that's where the delay in losing weight happened. But I have gotten a decent grip on what proportions to be eating carbs, proteins etc in by making it a lifestyle change, so I guess that should get covered now.

    @misscmhomer: Great, so I shall give it a go and hopefully see where it goes. I was just worried if it will be pushing myself too much. But coupled with a diet, a yoga workout for improving flexibility and toning, the jogging should cover cardio and help I hope!
