Re-configuring my brain...and looking for pals!

Hello there!

So, I've been on MFP since March as gained a little weight over last winter and felt was time to change things up...long story short, have a history of eating...issues...shall we say. Which took over a little in summer and I have now lost (overall, I lost a little before I joing MFP) 42lbs, the very unhealthy way.

SO! I have removed the vast majority of my triggering friends and I am working on getting my head back in the game of being a functioning member of society again.

I'm almost at my goal weight of 108lbs, but I've moved it down so many times now that if I don't get to it, maybe I'll be ok with it.

What I want is not to be consumed by calories I can't eat, hammering the cardio, being moody and emotional, general b*tch to my lovely husband and a general recluse. I want to enjoy a weekend away with husband on our first anniversary next month and I want a promotion at work, which will not happen if I only feed my brain less than 500 calories a day.

So I'm looking for active MFP pals, friends who enjoy exercise, log regularly. Maybe some ladies who lift, as I am working on the head feck that it's ok to weigh more if it's lean muscle :).

My diary is closed for now, while I deal with getting my intake back up but I plan on re-opening it in the next couple of weeks. So any nosey people who will hold me accountable if I have a low intake day :)

My stats are age 26, 5ft 4, 114lbs, UK based and really rather pear shaped.

If anyone wants to be friends, please do friend me!


  • obesegeese
    obesegeese Posts: 3 Member

    Sending you a Friend Request! I have a pretty similar story and am really trying to be active on here for once. I'm also 26 and very pear shaped!! haha
  • lisanangel
    lisanangel Posts: 148 Member
    Feel free to add me I'm on daily