Getting Close to Goal Weight...Now What?

Greetings from Sunny Florida!
So, I'm a 6'1" 187 pound (that feels weird actually typing) male that has been changing his lifestyle since the end of June. Since that time I have taken up running, joined a gym, completely changed my eating habits, and to date lost 29.7 pounds. My goal weight (self set) is 185 pounds. Now that I'm about a week away from hitting my goal, I'm kinda worried about losing motivation. I am still at the high end of the "Normal" BMI calculator (24.8) and am by no means considered "skinny" or "too skinny", so I was wondering, after I reach the 185 should I change my goal to 180...maintain the 185...or do something completely different? I have fallen in love with running, which is a surprise considering the only time I would run in the past was if someone was chancing me, so there is no problem with that part of my fitness program (I'm signed up for 2-5k's and 1-10k race). Should I consider lifting more weights to "tone/trim" what I have, lose more weight, or what. I didn't think I reach the goal I had set as quickly as I have (I've maintained healthy nutrition in the process) so I' at a loss.
Thank you in advance for allowing me to ramble and appreciate any feedback or testimony on what you have done!


  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Maintaining your current physical state is certainly one option but will probably end up with you diverting your attention and signing up to MFP again in 5 years' time. Instead pick a goal that sounds good to you whether it's to run a marathon or take up a new sport or build strength. Your desire to achieve that goal will keep you on the straight and narrow plus mean that even if you go out for birthday celebrations, you're not feeling guilty etc.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I mean, some people say that they enjoy running or doing exercise in the gym but do they really? For instance, if they were at a picnic would they try to get everyone to run round the park or do burpees for fun?

    One of my sports of choice is dodgeball and I happened to have the balls in my car so got them out and had a few people playing dodgeball. :D
  • gobyray
    gobyray Posts: 14 Member
    Running, especially outside I do really enjoy. I just put on my headphones and thing I know, it's over and I'm disappointed (not in the run or the time, but that it's over). As far as other sports, thank you. For whatever reason that hasn't really crossed my mind. I have added a weight loss goal to get me to 180 so I can enjoy those birthday celebrations, guilt free ;-)
    I guess what I'm having more trouble with is the weightlifting part of my program. I felt as if I was motivated by it before but now, with the running taking president it seems like more of a hassle to me.
  • amberkhan75
    I agree with what @darrensurrey says about maintenance or doing something new. How do you feel in your skin? You've lost weight, which is amazing, but do you feel like you could tone your muscles more? Increase lean muscle? If you love running I love the idea of training for a marathon. A 10K or half marathon are great starters.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Running, especially outside I do really enjoy. I just put on my headphones and thing I know, it's over and I'm disappointed (not in the run or the time, but that it's over). As far as other sports, thank you. For whatever reason that hasn't really crossed my mind. I have added a weight loss goal to get me to 180 so I can enjoy those birthday celebrations, guilt free ;-)
    I guess what I'm having more trouble with is the weightlifting part of my program. I felt as if I was motivated by it before but now, with the running taking president it seems like more of a hassle to me.

    Running vs weightlifting - why not do specific weight training activities that will improve your running performance? I understand things like Bulgarian squats develop the legs but also strengthen muscles used for running. Also power cleans.

    As for other sports, is there anything you've always fancied but thought you were too unfit at the time to try? If so, enrol for a beginner's course in that sport and see where life takes you. :)
  • hermann341
    hermann341 Posts: 443 Member
    Since you're near your original goal of 185, you might want to try maintaining that weight for a while before deciding you need to lose more. Setting a goal of running some events can help you stay motivated to continue running, which in turn should help you maintain your weight. Half marathons would be a logical next step, as they wouldn't consume too much more training time than 10k's. I too love running, and have come to realize I need the running events to keep me on the path (pun intended) to fitness. My original goal for running was to complete a marathon. After finishing my first marathon in just under 5 hours, I felt I could do better. And after dropping over 50 pounds, I have gotten better and I'm feeling great. So now, my goals include 50 marathons in 50 states, with a near term goal of qualifying for and running the Boston Marathon.
  • blc1971
    blc1971 Posts: 170 Member
    I agree with what others have posted about setting new goals for yourself, beyond the scale. However, I would add that since you are in control of your weight and goals, why not try maintaining for a set period of time once you hit that 185 lbs mark and see how you feel? It's not set in stone and you can always reevaluate how you feel in a month or two (however long you decide). I had the same dilemma when I reached my goal of 148 lbs (self-set also!) and a friend suggested I just take a losing break for a month or two, see how I felt and how my body "settled" into the changes with my exercise routine. I hadn't thought of that before and a light sort of went on! Wow!! I can change my mind? I can maintain, gain or lose as I wish? Novel idea!! LOL! After a bit, I decided to lose a few more lbs (and wound up losing nearly 10 more). It's entirely up to you and whatever you decide, you can change your mind at any time! Good luck and you are welcome to friend me if you want encouragement.
  • triinityz
    triinityz Posts: 146 Member
    I'm only a few pounds away from goal (that my body is fighting me on big time) and I can not beleive how TERRIFIED I am! LOL I really am scared of how I'm gong to handle not being in weight loss mode. It's been close to 2 1/2 years where most of the time, I was in "diet" mode. I like the idea of setting other goals not weight loss related. Especially fitness goals since that helps to maintain the losses!

    I think you should do what feels right for you. Good luck! :)
  • gobyray
    gobyray Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks everyone for your feedback. I have decided to get down to 180 which will give me 5lbs of wiggle room for cheat days and/or holidays. I have also taken some of your advice and change up my weight training program to better suit my running and to increase my core strength. Because I'm in Florida I have a couple of months before I have to start thinking about a half marathon and see how I fair in the 5k's and 10k's first.
    Again, your feedback is greatly appreciated!