Getting back on track...

I went away for a few days over the weekend. Decided to eat 'freely' as I wanted to treat myself and not worry about calories. That was a mistake because now I can't get back on track.

I haven't gained a significant amount of weight (less than a lb) but I can feel myself slipping into my old ways. I've already eaten more than my calorie goal for today, and it's not even dinner time yet.

Have any of you experienced something like this, and how did you get back on track? I know motivation must come from within but mine has done a runner (the only part of me that has since last week!)


  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I am back at a one day streak after having over 400 days straight. 2 weeks of house renovations, kids going to college, a short getaway with hubby and other running around had derailed me a bit. Back logging.
  • leomcdee
    leomcdee Posts: 60 Member
    400 days is amazing though, that's an awesome achievement and it sounds like you had a lot on your plate. I'm logging again too, hopefully seeing the red writing of doom where my calorie count is will help motivate me ;)