Afraid of the scale....



  • FinFoxPT
    FinFoxPT Posts: 106 Member
    Don't weigh yourself then.

    It makes no difference what the scales say.

    Lets it go and be happy.

    You're doing great keep it up!
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    The number of the scales can be useful it's data that can tell you of progress but it's not set in stone and varies for many reasons and not all of them due to your actual weight. Part of the issue you seem to have is you seem to think that the scales is the only measure of progress. I measure progress in many ways from How far/fast I can run to how my clothes fit and how I feel. The scales are just another number in this but as with all this information they do not tell the whole story. You can have success without the scales but I would if I was you try and get over this because no matter what people say the number on the scale is an important piece of data to aid you in getting healthier. So weigh yourself if it's not changed there could be many reasons from water retention to just one of those things but you know you've made progress in other ways

    Good luck