Going swimming for the first time in YEARS

Currently 443lbs, lost 56lbs so far, but I'm developing plantar fasciitis from walking so I'm going to a lower impact type of exercise.
My wife is coming with me, but God am I nervous going back into the pool with no shirt on.

Any tips?

I just hope there isn't an old cranky whaler out there with a harpoon gun haha :)


  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    Swimming really is amazing.... When I first got back in the pool laps weren't an option for me. I simply went in the deepest part of the pool and would tread water for 30 minutes at a time. Within a couple weeks I was swimming laps and losing inches everywhere! Good luck.
  • brandon_moser
    brandon_moser Posts: 22 Member
    I recently developed plantar fasciitis on both feet due to the large amount of walking I'm doing. I went out yesterday and invested $150 in Nike running shoes. I don't run, but I walk. The shoes helped both feet IMMEDIATELY and I'm out and walking again without pain. The pain only occurs when I take my running shoes OFF. Well worth the investment. Something to consider.
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    swimming is also my main exercise too.
    there are even dedicated swimmer sub forum here to help you with anything at all.
    g luck and enjoy it.
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    I started swimming again last August and then joined a gym last September to keep up my swimming. I've lost about 50 pounds so far between the swimming, the weight training and a lower calorie diet. My first suit was a size 16 swim dress, then a 14 swim dress and now a size 12 speedo, nobody cares what you look like but they might notice when you've gotten stronger and leaner. We have all shapes and sizes in our pool...................just go for it....................and be proud of yourself that you're doing something healthy for you!

    You'll find you'll improve your abilities and endurance every week if you keep challenging yourself a little bit at a time.

    Keep up the good work!
  • Cielazul
    Cielazul Posts: 77 Member
    It's difficult making these changes, no?

    It's great for you to step outside of your comfort zone!!

    I did that twice recently. Two weeks ago I participated in a ropes course and I was the heaviest person there, but I did just fine! I concentrated on not paying attention to other folks and concentrating on what I was doing. And actually, I was thrilled at one point to hear a woman behind me, when I was doing a particularly challenging crossing, urging her companions to watch me and do what I was doing when it was their turn.

    And today, I wore high-heeled shoes for the first time ever (I am nearly 50 years old). At the beginning of the day I felt ridiculous, like everyone would look at me and think it was stupid, but by the end of the day I felt terrific, like they looked really cute on me! (I probably won't wear them again because I have this rule that I will only wear shoes in which I can run from a mugger, and I can't run very fast in them, but it was a fun experiment.)

    Go do it, and believe me, you will feel comfortable in no time. I started wearing shorts for the first time in 15 years this summer and it only took me one trip to the garden center to realize that I looked okay, at least okay enough that no one was turning away in disgust, which is okay enough for me to continue doing it!

    Have a great time swimming!
  • odywithaj
    odywithaj Posts: 53 Member
    Running in heels is do-able, you just have to practice :)
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    I got in the pool last January after 30 years. My goal the first day was navigate the gym, locker room and just get in and out. I ended up swimming about 10 laps. For me that was a success. Now I am swimming considerably more, but the first day is all about figuring the process.

    Many pools have water exercise classes. Shallow and deep water. Many people do these when lap swimming isn't their thing.

    One tip, make sure you get familiar with the pool etiquette. While the vast majority of folks are very polite, once in awhile you get an *kitten* hat. The lifeguard on duty can help you as to which lane to get in. Make sure you use the steps and ladders. I learned that the hard way.

    Wear a shirt if you want to. Lots of people do that.

    Very good luck to you. Swimming has made all the difference in my life now. :bigsmile:
  • erockem
    erockem Posts: 278 Member
    Nervous shirtless? It may depend on the setting. At my local YMCA's, all sizes are in the pool. This is my take when I get to the pool.

    I notice the fit / athletic swimmers - they just jump in, block out the world, and crank out laps. I don't think they even realize anyone else is in the pool half the time. I think to myself "man I wish I could swim like that".

    I notice people of ALL sizes in the pool, basically 'everyone else' who seem to be doing their own thing. I think to myself "man I wish I could swim like that".

    I then put my goggles on and flounder up and down the lane focusing on not drowning.

    So jump in and have fun. No one will think any less of you putting in the time and effort.
  • Prilla04
    Prilla04 Posts: 174 Member
    I LOVE swimming. If you are nervous about going shirtless get a swim shirt or rash guard. That may make you feel more comfortable. If you would rather go shirtless - do it!! Own that shizz! :laugh:
  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    I used to take water aerobic classes and here's a great thing about the water - you don't see bodies under water clearly. It was the only exercise class I ever felt really relaxed in because if I couldn't see their bodies clearly, they couldn't see mine!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I agree with those saying to get a swim shirt. You also might have luck with just an athletic wicking type material shirt. I know they allow those at public pools near me, but they do not allow cotton or cotton blend "regular" t-shirts to be worn.

    And if you prefer to go shirtless, go for it as others said! I know for me even when I wore a plus size 24 suit I always got the skirtless sporty style because even though some might have covered my thighs more, I just felt better in a "normal" (one piece no skirt) swimsuit.
  • bkthandler
    bkthandler Posts: 247 Member
    Would a total stranger on the internet begging you to go and have fun in the pool with your wife help?

    I lost a brother over a year ago to his addiction issues and his weight. I can remember trying to talk him into swimming again (he swam in HS and was pretty good). He was always going to go "as soon as" he lost some weight.

    Just remember that while there will be soreness getting in the pool will feel amazing and most swimmers don't pay any attention to what anyone looks like.

    Years ago I was swimming at a pool near my work and there was a small gorup of people training for tri-athalons at the same time I would be at the pool. I am a pretty good swimmer so after a few weeks I was keeping up with them (a little bit to their horror).
  • leema31109
    leema31109 Posts: 6 Member
    You will LOVE it - - - at least the pool I go to is fantastic. I was so worried at first but the people using the pool really don't notice the others using the pool. It is so much easier on my joints as I can't do the land exercises anymore. I have about 185 pounds to lose and I join in on the water aerobics with all the others and don't feel out of place - I follow along and do what I can. I love the water and it's been great. Good Luck!!
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Currently 443lbs, lost 56lbs so far, but I'm developing plantar fasciitis from walking so I'm going to a lower impact type of exercise.
    My wife is coming with me, but God am I nervous going back into the pool with no shirt on.

    Any tips?

    I just hope there isn't an old cranky whaler out there with a harpoon gun haha :)

    If you lived near me I would suggest you join my water aerobics class. Plenty of larger men are there with no shirts on and nobody thinks twice about it. Good for you to keep looking for activity that will keep you moving!
  • dhaemon
    dhaemon Posts: 110 Member
    Thanks for all the support and information everyone.
    I'm going shirtless, forget what anyone thinks :)
  • GinjaNinjaTara
    Im a lifeguard and a swim coach, trust me when I say the other swimmers are WAY too out of breath and focused on their swimming to look :)

    If your doing laps, just take your time, as the first time you go swimming after a long time is like running for the first time, you get so out of breath! Just stick with it... as the fitness builds up quick and so do the inches lost.

    Also, make sure you follow the pool rules ;) swim in the correct direction, and look at the swim timetable before you go.

  • GinjaNinjaTara

    Im way bigger in size than most of the swimmers in the pool, including the super-fast and fit ones but I can still whoop most of them with my speed and fitness in the water. Size isn't much of an issue in swimming , its all in the technique lol :D
  • dhaemon
    dhaemon Posts: 110 Member
    Just got back from swimming and WOW. I feel like I ran a marathon.
    Did 25 mins treading water and 15 minutes of freestyle swimming non stop and my heart was beating out of my chest.

    Met some people while swimming and now I'm confident to go back again tomorrow!

    I thank each and every one of you and especially my wife. :)
  • Jelaan
    Jelaan Posts: 815 Member
    Woohoo way to go!!!!! Great job :) and on top of that, I bet you have inspired others to do the same!
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Just got back from swimming and WOW. I feel like I ran a marathon.
    Did 25 mins treading water and 15 minutes of freestyle swimming non stop and my heart was beating out of my chest.

    Met some people while swimming and now I'm confident to go back again tomorrow!

    I thank each and every one of you and especially my wife. :)

    Good for you! That first step is a doozy but all of the rest are so much easier.

    ps: I guess you didn't meet up with any cranky whalers after all :bigsmile: