Who has done RMR and V02 Max Testing?

j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
Who's done it? Experience good, or bad? And how close was your RMR to the website estimates?


  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Good experience but I'm a numbers guy (I write software).
    My RMR is about 5% higher than "normal" and, when I back out the 5% bump, the numbers are on line with what MFP gave me.

    VO2Max can be useful. If you get tested on a periodic basis, it allows you to see trends. OTOH, it's time consuming and, at $80 per test, it's a little spendy for my tastes. As an alternative, if you have a high end HRM, you can capture your HR using "R-R" recording which is pretty trick - it tracks the time values between the R wave in the sinus rhythm which you can feed into an application such as FirstBeat Athlete and you'll end up with VO2 Max.

    Here's the text of a posting that touches on how to use some of the data that's available in FBA (MFP doesn't support links…)

    Readings from sitting at desk, then walking up and downstairs.


    The ratio of CHO to fat is driven, in an individual, by the level of exertion and by the ability to metabolize fat instead of CHO. The key to this is that our body gets energy from different source according to the demand placed on it. The demand varies with intensity and duration. Sprinters use CHO for a couple of seconds and never burn fat - they burn up their 8 seconds (±) of "adenosine triphosphate" and burn CHO for a couple of seconds. Faster endurance races require lots of CHO whereas ultras are a very high percentage of fat. As we run more (endurance), our body tends to burn fat instead of CHO. That's a good thing 'cause we have only about a pound of glycogen but lots of adipose tissue that we can convert to energy.

    I use a Garmin HRM and software called FirstBeat Athlete. Here are some screenshots that will provide more detailed info:


    Readings from sitting at desk, then walking up and downstairs.

    This is from the America's Finest City Haf in San Diego. The start is a very fast 3 miles down with a steep hill about a mile from the finish

    This is the trace from a Half at Huntington Beach. Mostly flat (one hill at mile 3). With the exception of the hill at mile 3, the times for most of the first 7 miles were ±4 seconds. Miles 8 -11 were 8 seconds faster, on average, and were ±2 seconds. The last two miles were 30 seconds faster, and 45 seconds faster than mile 11. The increased pace of the last few miles is reflected in the increasing amounts of CHO that I was burning (the trace shows fat burning so CHO burning is going up when the trace drops)

    This was a training run - lower level of exertion so I'm using less CHO:

    The higher level of exertion required more CHO than during the training run.

    Contact me offline if want more info.