Weight loss...



  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    If you are just starting out, I would suggest not getting too hung up on WHAT you are eating, instead focus on how much you are eating. Trying to slot each food into "Yes eat that" and "No don't eat that" can be confusing and overwhelming and you don't need that!

    I am no expert, but the first thing I did was for a week I ate the food I normally would, paying attention to serving size, and logged EVERYTHING. This made it really easy to see where all the calories were coming from and what I needed to work on. There were a lot of foods that I liked to eat that when I stuck to the serving size and ate less, I realized I wasn't "stuffed" when I was done eating, and I still didn't get hungry again for several hours. Win! But I also saw other foods that I just ate out of habit that were using up a lot of my calories and were easy to replace with lower cal options.

    This will be a journey - you don't have to get it all right in the first week, and you will never be "perfect"! Just keep tweaking until you find what works for you. Good luck :happy:
  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    You could got to the MFP blog and type in various search terms for meal and snack ideas:

    Fitbits sound like very useful and beneficial devices but I personally cannot afford one at this time. It occurred to me that, as a student, a Fitbit might have to sit on your wish list for a time as well. I just wanted to point out that a Fitbit is not a prerequisite to using the site tools or losing weight.
  • roswald78
    roswald78 Posts: 9 Member
    You can also find a lot of amazing and simple recipes at www.skinnytaste.com and www.organizeyourselfskinny.com

    I personally poach (boil) boneless skinnless chicken breast at the beginning of the week and portion it out in 8 ounce portions. This allows me to use it in recipes or eat it stand alone. When I eat it by itself, I add salsa on the side with some fruit and mini tortilla chips. Make sure you are drinking a lot of water as well. I personally cut out soda completely, but that was by personal choice. I was a 48 ounce a day diet pop drinker and I found it make me crave sweets even more.

    My go to foods during the week:

    -Dole Shakers made with V8 Fusion Energy
    -Boneless skinless chicken breast
    -Babybel Light cheese
    -Mini tortilla chips
    -fresh veggies, normally celery and carrots
    -Clubhouse Multigrain mini crackers
    -Campbell's Homestyle Light soups
    -Iceberg lettuce
    -Chef Salads w/fat free dressing
    -Subway Club sandwiches (I get a 12 inch and make 2 meals out of it and I use honey mustard, no mayo)
    -Basic chicken salad recipe from Organize Yourself Skinny
    -Nickles Light Wheat Bread

    I do agree that portioning first is the key and then the calories. If you cut too many too soon, you are going to feel like you are starving all the time. When I first started my journey way back before MFP, I used Weight Watchers, unofficially. I find this much easier. The key is to log everything you eat, even if it takes you over. This will help you find patterns.

    Also, I walk 3 times a week 2-3 miles each time and bowl in a league twice a week. It sounds like you are on the right track walking where you can :)
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Here's some good information to help you out, take some time to read over the links




    Fitbits are nice, but not necessary. I got one after I lost 100 lbs just as a way to make sure I kept up the activity level I was going for.

    You don't need to cut anything out, except for excuses, overeating, and sitting on the couch too much. Good luck
  • Wow I'm really amazed at all your quick and very nice answers! It's really great to have found such a great website and community.
    As for me, well it has been 5 days now, I keep logging everything, it's a daily habit. While the fitbit is far too expensive for my student's budget, I still bought a food scale and I use it with everything I eat, it helps me focus on more on what exactly i'm eating, what it represents and to handle portions better. Up to now, I haven't have any cravings and my greatest achievement yet is that I can go through one whole day without the feeling of being "starving". I'm not reaching my usual "I'm too full, mean's I have eaten enough" and yet, i'm not hungry. To me that's a real big deal cause I used to be always hungry and eat huge portions so I'd be satiated for a long while(or so I thought. )
    Let see how it goes for the next few day, I'm really taking this seriously, haha.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I still bought a food scale and I use it with everything I eat, it helps me focus on more on what exactly i'm eating, what it represents and to handle portions better. Up to now, I haven't have any cravings and my greatest achievement yet is that I can go through one whole day without the feeling of being "starving".

    I do that too! I'm getting more and more confident that I've eaten enough and right when I see it "in print". I can manage the slight feeling of hunger before meals. The craving is harder to handle, but I almost never get it anymore, because I'm well nourished :bigsmile:
    I'm not reaching my usual "I'm too full, mean's I have eaten enough" and yet, i'm not hungry. To me that's a real big deal cause I used to be always hungry and eat huge portions so I'd be satiated for a long while(or so I thought. )

    I used to think and do exactly this! Never believed in the concept of "portion" :ohwell: and it didn't occur to me that the stuffed and heavy feeling after a meal meant that I had eaten more than I needed, and that too much really was bad for me :noway:
  • funchords
    funchords Posts: 413 Member
    Congrats on buying the scale! Sounds like you're making a great start!