Runners... need blister help please?

emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I have been running since June 2010 (two pairs of shoes but both the same shoes and the same insoles) and have been blister free until just recently.

In November, due to foot pain someone suggested I try running without my support insoles and just the regular shoe insoles. I got a HUGE blister... and then every time I ran it seemed to aggravate it.

That blister finally healed...and last week I noticed that I am getting blisters above and below the original blister. The first time I ignored them and they went away. The second time I stuck a pin in it to drain it and it got better (but kept reoccurring).

Today I ran again (6miles) and the top blister not only recurred, but was a blood blister when I was done.

I have the same shoes, same insoles, same socks... I only wear Baleuga socks.
I have tried putting moleskin over it, and it still blisters...

I cannot afford to rest -- half marathon is in about 35 days. What the HECK is going on here?

Thanks for the advice!!


  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I'm not a runner but is it possible that as you are losing weight your feet have got a tad smaller which leaves extra room for rubbing? try a thin pair of socks under your regular ones maybe? As I said, not a runner just a thought
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    that doesn't sound any good at all. IDK what to say except maybe a different pair of shoes. :( Blisters are the worst. Curad sells some big blister pads you can pick them up at any drug store. Also blisters are caused by friction so maybe try tying your shoes further back on the back and adjusting that so they fit snuggly.

    Good luck
  • sburt1
    sburt1 Posts: 51 Member
    I run a little bit not anything close to a marathon!! Good luck with that by the way!! I just got rid of a blister and know how you feel I tried EVERYTHING....I found a band-aid brand blister protecting thing that worked wonderful and it would last 3 or 4 days before I had to replace it!! Once again good luck!!
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    After you heal them try using body glide around that area. I have not had blisters yet but I did have a very sore area on my foot after I ran my longest run and it felt like it wanted to blister, so my next run I used body-glide all over that area and was better but that was a step down run in miles so I probably cant really say it worked until I have another long run.
  • injinji performance running socks!!! I have had a terrible time with blisters, esp on my right pinky toe ... tried bandaides, moleskin, etc. Someone recommended the Injinji's and i havent had a blister with them since! (although i sometimes wear my other running socks and will get them with them ugh! Good luck on your run!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    After you heal them try using body glide around that area. I have not had blisters yet but I did have a very sore area on my foot after I ran my longest run and it felt like it wanted to blister, so my next run I used body-glide all over that area and was better but that was a step down run in miles so I probably cant really say it worked until I have another long run.

    I will try the Body Glide. I cannot decide if the moleskin is making it better, or worse (because it does keep it moister -- is that a word)?
    Im embarrased to admit what I finally did on Friday though -- I did a bit of foot surgery ... I removed all of the skin from all of the blister areas and just let it be raw and open and hurt like crazy. I put this skin protectant on it... and left that on for a few days. Today I have the blister packs on both of them with the medicine in the middle.

    It sounds crazy... but that is what I did with the first blister and it never happened again. Lancing it wasnt working, because it would just reoccur... so now hopefully this will callus over and I will be done with it...

    Unfortunately, the side of my foot does look like raw hamburger now! I didnt run last weekend, and I am not running today, but I do have a 5 miler planned for tomorrow outside ... supposed to be about 23 degrees!! :)
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I run a little bit not anything close to a marathon!! Good luck with that by the way!! I just got rid of a blister and know how you feel I tried EVERYTHING....I found a band-aid brand blister protecting thing that worked wonderful and it would last 3 or 4 days before I had to replace it!! Once again good luck!!

    If you can run ... you can run a half marathon! Its just process of slowly increasing your mileage. Jeff Galloway has a great book called "Half Marathon you can do it" LOL! I just got it for Christmas!
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I was struggling with my IT band when I went to a running store for help with that...ironically the guy looked at my bare feet and said "how the hell do you function with the blistering?"..turns out my blistering got better when in the appropriate shoe and insole as my foot strike was corrected. I have always gotten blood blisters since I started running in junior high...thought it was just part of it....If you have a good running store go in and ask them...they have probably all drained a blister when they shouldn't have...trimmed skin when they shouldn't have etc...I know I have...but if the blisters are from ill fitting shoes or weird running mechanics that can be fixed.
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    I have never had a single blister from running, but I have had a few from my hiking boots. I think it's all in the socks, good wicking socks will prevent irritation. In my experience (with hiking boots) moleskin just makes it worse. I would go with the body glide and get better socks (I am a total freak about the DryMax brand...fairly cheap and have never let me down).
  • 321blueeyes
    321blueeyes Posts: 279 Member
    I usually lance my blisters too (yes, they refill later and need to be lanced again).

    My experience with bad open blisters - you just have to take a few days off to heal until you can safely run again. While not desirable, 1 week off to heal now is better than ruining your race next month! Happened to me last spring 3 wks before a Half... I took a week and a half off, then got a few short runs in during my taper, but was pain-free for race day. Swimming is good cardio substitute in the meantime, as long as the skin isn't irritated by chemicals in the pool.

    For blister prevention: Vaseline or Aquaphor are good thick goops for your feet - I coat my feet pretty well before any run > 10 miles. I use Body Glide for other areas except feet.
  • loxleys
    loxleys Posts: 230 Member
    I agree with kelsully - I always get my trainers from a running shop and get fitted everytime as different weight means that you can be running differently. Good socks are really important too - try double layer running socks designed for blister prevention.

    Also try the blister plasters with silver in them as they really do help heal a blister, If i'm running a race I always strap my feet in the problem areas with micropore surgical tape, them cover them up with my thick double layer socks and fasten my trainers nice and tight so there's no rubbing.

    Good luck with your half marathon - you'll be so busy enjoying the atmosphere of the race that you'll not have time to worry about your feet, whatever you do - do not look at your feet before the end of the race! if they hurt they'll hurt even more. (I get blood blisters at times on the ball of my foot and it hurts like hell when I'm running but Its usually when my trainers are at the end of their life)
  • kt2007
    kt2007 Posts: 302 Member
    1st of all good luck with your HALF!!!! I been getting a hotspot on my right foot also. I have tighten my shoes up and changed my socks and hoping this gets me threw what I am doing in 2 weeks cause I surly cant change shoes now. I got my own Half in 19 days. Also In the past 2 to 3 weeks I have been getting raw on my nipples. any one have anything to help me with this part would be great. you can reply here or feel free to send me a private message. thanks and best of luck on your up coming run.
  • kt2007
    kt2007 Posts: 302 Member
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    1st of all good luck with your HALF!!!! I been getting a hotspot on my right foot also. I have tighten my shoes up and changed my socks and hoping this gets me threw what I am doing in 2 weeks cause I surly cant change shoes now. I got my own Half in 19 days. Also In the past 2 to 3 weeks I have been getting raw on my nipples. any one have anything to help me with this part would be great. you can reply here or feel free to send me a private message. thanks and best of luck on your up coming run.

    I have not had any major nippple problems just some tenderness, jand some excoriated areas under the breasts.
    I have learned that when I am having issues in that area it means my sports bra is too big. So I tighten it up, and it does go away.
    In the interim, I would advise bandaids over the nipples, or even moleskin to help you get through your runs.
    19 days is too close to change your shoes (and I am in the same boat). And for me, I have always run in Baleuga socks without problems until that stupid day I ran without my insoles.

    Today was the first day I could walk without a limp... woo hoo! Tomorrow I am hoping to be able to run!
  • Jessica68
    Jessica68 Posts: 2,419 Member
    MR KT2007 I have heard of males having that problem with nipples and they use bandaids or run without a shirt. Congratulation on your up coming half! Here's a topic on it..i googled and found alot on the web:
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    MR KT2007 I have heard of males having that problem with nipples and they use bandaids or run without a shirt. Congratulation on your up coming half! Here's a topic on it..i googled and found alot on the web:

    Ooops KT2007, sorry ... didnt catch that you were a guy! OK its time for bed!!
  • kt2007
    kt2007 Posts: 302 Member
    Thanks to the both of you. I went to the local running co and got some body glide. Never used this before but will try it tomorrow on my tread mill run. Hope it works pretty good cant wait to see how this turns out.
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