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Meanie hater reinvented
Let me tell you a story. One day, this young lady heard of a site called myfitnesspal. This girl was pretty overweight, and had just finished coming off a three week long diet of thermogenics and little- no carbs. Atkins was raging at the time, and she thought she was going to ditch carbs forever and succeed at life! She excitedly joined mfp, stuck to the recommended 1200 calories, and in her eagerness to connect with like minded newbs, she posted a topic about juicing for a month. Her friend had done it, why couldn't she?
To this girl's dismay, a crowd of mean silly poop faces came out of the woodwork to tell her that cleansing was not a great idea, her innards did not need a break from solid food, and she would most likely gain all the weight back almost immediately. What a bunch of jerks! This girl deactivated for a few months and tried some more diets. South beach and the master cleanse proved unsuccessful.
So, girl came back to myfitnesspal. She posted about feeling lost, confused, unable to figure out how to successfully lose weight and not be miserable. That is when her angels, in the form of mfp veterans and some well meaning people in the middle of their own journeys added her. Girl learned about eating in moderation, that certain foods were not poison. She researched Shakeology, Herbalife, and realized that she didn't need any of those things to succeed! An mfp friend introduced her to lifting and calculating your tdee and bmr. Girl stopped trying to lose massive amounts in a week, and instead focused on inches and the small progressions she was making.
Before she knew it, girl had lost 60 pounds and felt stronger and healthier than ever. And when she looked in the forums, she started to realize that all those mean silly poop faces were not only her friends, but were people trying to give genuine, thoughtful advice. And that is the day girl became another meanie, in the hopes that she could help someone else the way that she had been helped.
As you can probably guess by now, that girl was me. In conclusion to this, I wanted to say thank you to all my meanies that taught me how to not fear food, that lifting would not make me gross, and if I wanted a cheeseburger, I could eat a cheeseburger. (If it fits my macros of course)
Newbs, my advice to you. Read some posts. Do some digging. Ask some veterans for advice before coming to a conclusion. Also, here are some links that I think you would do well to read before entering the dreaded forums too heavily.
Good luck and may you receive all the best animated gifs.
To this girl's dismay, a crowd of mean silly poop faces came out of the woodwork to tell her that cleansing was not a great idea, her innards did not need a break from solid food, and she would most likely gain all the weight back almost immediately. What a bunch of jerks! This girl deactivated for a few months and tried some more diets. South beach and the master cleanse proved unsuccessful.
So, girl came back to myfitnesspal. She posted about feeling lost, confused, unable to figure out how to successfully lose weight and not be miserable. That is when her angels, in the form of mfp veterans and some well meaning people in the middle of their own journeys added her. Girl learned about eating in moderation, that certain foods were not poison. She researched Shakeology, Herbalife, and realized that she didn't need any of those things to succeed! An mfp friend introduced her to lifting and calculating your tdee and bmr. Girl stopped trying to lose massive amounts in a week, and instead focused on inches and the small progressions she was making.
Before she knew it, girl had lost 60 pounds and felt stronger and healthier than ever. And when she looked in the forums, she started to realize that all those mean silly poop faces were not only her friends, but were people trying to give genuine, thoughtful advice. And that is the day girl became another meanie, in the hopes that she could help someone else the way that she had been helped.
As you can probably guess by now, that girl was me. In conclusion to this, I wanted to say thank you to all my meanies that taught me how to not fear food, that lifting would not make me gross, and if I wanted a cheeseburger, I could eat a cheeseburger. (If it fits my macros of course)
Newbs, my advice to you. Read some posts. Do some digging. Ask some veterans for advice before coming to a conclusion. Also, here are some links that I think you would do well to read before entering the dreaded forums too heavily.
Good luck and may you receive all the best animated gifs.
(sorry, too lazy to find gifs)0 -
Will find an suitable gif when I get home.:smooched:
0 -
President Obama approves this message.
Yup... pretty much. Just because people don't attach rainbows and sparkly unicorn poop to what they are saying doesn't mean that what they are saying isn't coming from a good place.0
Yup... pretty much. Just because people don't attach rainbows and sparkly unicorn poop to what they are saying doesn't mean that what they are saying isn't coming from a good place.
I only want unicorn poop if it's flaming unicorn poop.
Because... flaming glitter0 -
Woo-hoo! You go, girl! Hit the nail on the head! Seriously, congrats to you! I'm glad that you took some time, and got yourself together, and took it to heart that people weren't just being mean, but were trying to be helpful. Unfortunately, this will fall on to deaf ears of many. There are tons that will try that anything to "get thin quick" ****, or think you have to cut everything you ever loved out in order to lose weight.
And just because I love the kittehs, and this is too good NOT to post, I felt the need to share this:0 -
Darn meanies making silly poop faces....!
You guys are so mean for not pooping glitter all over your words and advice! If you don't have anything coated in rainbows and unicorns to say, then don't say it at all!
/flounce0 -
I can't access the gif I actually wanted to use :grumble: , but here are some rainbows, just for you!
[img][/img]0 -
Yup... pretty much. Just because people don't attach rainbows and sparkly unicorn poop to what they are saying doesn't mean that what they are saying isn't coming from a good place.
That mean I can give hard advice as long as I attach this and no one will get butthurt??0 -
0 -
If only posts like these were required reading for new members! Congrats on being wonderful!
ETA: I don't know why my gif is showing a broken link, but I can assure you, it's awesome.
Edited again to remove my sass. Because apparently it breaks the interwebs.0 -
Yup... pretty much. Just because people don't attach rainbows and sparkly unicorn poop to what they are saying doesn't mean that what they are saying isn't coming from a good place.
That mean I can give hard advice as long as I attach this and no one will get butthurt??
One would hope... but unlikely around here.0 -
[img]http://i1302.photobucket.com/albums/ag128/ksy1969/Pics for Forums/32771-Blues-Brothers-dancing-gif-Zs26_zps869f4278.gif[/img]0
Oh hell yeah!0
I started watching this gif and when I stopped 3 hours had gone past and all my savings had mysteriously been moved from my account. :sad:0 -
I started watching this gif and when I stopped 3 hours had gone past and all my savings had mysteriously been moved from my account. :sad:
That's quite a feat consider I posted it less than an hour ago. Powerful gif indeed.
I'll be using your savings to buy a boat.0 -
I started watching this gif and when I stopped 3 hours had gone past and all my savings had mysteriously been moved from my account. :sad:
That's quite a feat consider I posted it less than an hour ago. Powerful gif indeed.
I'll be using your savings to buy a boat.
I am in the UK and therefore in another time dimension :happy:
A boat you say? Damn you, you interwebz scamsters <shakes fist>0 -
This discussion has been closed.
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