60 lbs to lose, gave up 2 yrs ago, now ready to DO IT :O)

Hi folks! I'm turning 39 this month and don't want to turn 40 next year 60+ lbs overweight. Back hurts, feet hurt, I look not-so-hot in photos, and I have 2 closets full of beautiful clothing I can't wear *grrrrrr!*

I was in the process of getting healthier a few years ago when I was diagnosed with MS and ended up in the hospital *UGH!* Then was in a depression, and while I didn't gain I was in a total funk.

Now I am feeling better, and ready to commit to doing each day for my health (and for the closet of cute clothes). I'd love to connect and encourage other people - would love some encouragement myself! :O)

I'm 5'6", 200 lbs. and I'd like to be down to 140, which is a nice, trim size 8/10 for me. Here goes!