I'm really taking this hard guys.

I've never had problems with my weight. Never. Ever. For the longest time I was underweight at 5'4" tall and just barely 105.

Now, here I am with the scale hovering around 130, a horrendous muffin top spilling over the top of my pants, and other things I'd rather not discuss.

I know I'm not obese. I'm not trying to cut down people with more weight to lose, but for me, personally, through my eyes, I may as well be 100 pounds overweight. I'm a freaking embarrassment.

I take a medication that one of the side effects is weight gain, but not because of the med or the condition it treats, just because it increases appetite. Switching isn't an option. This is the only medication that works for me and doesn't land me up with intolerable side effects. I'm happy with it.

I've been on it almost exactly a year, and have gained around 6 pounds. That's NOTHING compared to what some people put on with this stuff, so I should count myself lucky. But I was just at the doctor last week for something unrelated, and while taking vital signs, the nurse weighed me and then chirped in the most sickening, patronizing tone you could imagine "Well, I see OUR weight is up a little, isn't it?"

I wanted to punch her. I get angry just thinking about it. Because yeah, it's a royal PICNIC dealing with this condition, and if she doesn't think every ounce of that 6 pounds is making me want to starve myself for however long it takes, she has another thing coming. It's like she was rubbing it in or something. Like "Haha, you didn't think it would happen to you, but hey look at that!"

My goal weight is around 115, with about 3 pounds wiggle room on either side. The first time I did MFP I got down to 122 and that wasn't too terribly hard, so I know I can do it. It's just... geez. I gained back everything I lost, plus about 2 pounds.

I have a very important occasion coming up at the end of February, and I don't want to go to it looking like a blob and feeling disgusting.


I guess I just needed to vent, because I know most of you know how I feel right now.


  • newman84
    newman84 Posts: 234 Member
    i'm the same height as you and currently at 124. I think it was increadably rude of the nurse to say anything rude about your weight considering your weight is inside the healthy range. I wish you luck to getting where you want to be. Since you've done it once you can do it again. Its always nice to vent when your feeling bad.
  • mollymoo89
    I'm the same way! I'm 5'2 and 128 right now. I got down to 120 using MFP and ran a half-marathon in October. I couldn't run for a while after and gained back some of the weight. At my heaviest, I was 137 so I know I'm good. Because of how petite I am, 128 is a lot for me. I would like to be closer to 115-118. I'm very discouraged also. I feel the muffin top, hate my thighs, and my stomach. But I just have to tell myself that I know I can lose the weight because I've done it before. Just know that your not alone!
  • debbyrae3
    debbyrae3 Posts: 200 Member
    Sounds like your nurse was a jerk.

    But I have faith that you can do it (especially since you've done it once before). And as you know, all of us here are more than willing to support you in this journey.

    I don't have much weight to lose (30 pounds), but it's enough that it won't just drop off in a week. I plan to start P90X Monday (the 27th) and will hopefully drop all this and get back the bangin' body I used to have when I first met my husband 2 and a half years ago.
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    I feel you...I mean, I'm not even close to your size (6'4" and 195lbs) but I can relate. I am not obese, nor have I ever had a weight problem...then my son was born 5 months ago. Even though I lost most of the weight, I've got 5-7 lbs that is just refusing to come off. It's frustrating because I've been eating so well and exercising (as much as my son will let me lol) and the scale just hasn't budged. I'm not sure what to do about it...I just keep trying but it's hard to not beat yourself up. I know this sounds pretty silly but sometimes seeing all of the success stories on MFP actually make me feel bad about myself. There are people on here that have lost hundreds of pounds, and I can't manage to lose 5. That's tough for me to swallow. Anyways, you're not alone!
  • MarriedMama
    The main problem is your nurse's attitude. You should talk with your doctor about that nurse. I wonder how many other people she treats like that.

    You'll get back on track, and where you want to be in no time at all. :flowerforyou:
  • servingthealiens
    servingthealiens Posts: 144 Member
    I dunno, I think it hurt because it's TRUE. I have a very small frame (wrist is only about 5 1/4" inches) and I have no business with all this blubber on my body. I should be around 115. She was right to point it out, and I think I only took it so badly because I know it's true.

  • mollymoo89
    Cut yourself a little slack! But don't worry I'm the same way. I have a very small frame and feel like I have a layer of fat all over my body that does not need to be there. You'll get down to where you want to be! Just take it one meal and one day at a time!
  • hotpickles
    hotpickles Posts: 639 Member
    Hey there!

    First of all, I just want to start off by saying what that nurse said was inappropriate and she had absolutely no right to say it. I understand a job in the health field has to address weight changes and whatnot, but you certainly to not address it to a patient in a demeaning way.

    I know how you feel. I'm not taking any medication that causes weight gain, but I'm heavier than I should be with my frame. I have a small, lanky frame, and am carrying too much weight on it. Like you said, I know there's a lot of people that would love to be my weight right now, but for me personally, it's too much.

    We can all do this together. We are all here for you, and will support and help you in any way we can!
