Hey hey

Iv been using the application on my phone for a few weeks, this is my first time actually looking up the website, im very happy to see it has such a great website and its all free!?? Nice! Iv decided im not getting any younger and I really want to get back in shape, I truly hate myself right now, literally, and im tired of being to shy to meet people and go out.

I am 27 years old, 5'9" and have passed the 230 pound mark when I started this, Its been a month and I honestly feel great lately. More active alot less sluggish and Alive. My goal is to get down to 190 to start, once there I wish to get to 150 and stay! I don't wish to be skinny, but I want to be healthy looking.

Im hoping so much with just watching my calories and making sure I exercise a bit each day something will change.. Im hoping this App and site can help me stay motivated.



  • Nannettemilligan
    Good for you ,,One day at a time ...
  • shullrd
    Welcome to the community and congratulations on starting the journey! I was introduced in the same way that you are. Don't be too hard on yourself. You'll get there, one day at a time.
  • Godsflower1789
    awesome goal! i had the same. was at 233, am now down to 194 (took me a year of yo-yoing to get there) and ideally i'd like to be 160. :-) welcome welcom welcome
  • dancer77
    dancer77 Posts: 249 Member
    Welcome :) I've found this site super supportive. Feel free to friend me and bon voyage on your journey!
  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    This is a great place! I'm sure you will find the support you will need here.