Chicken and more chicken: help?

Hi Everyone,

I've gotten myself into a bad habit.

I was trying not to be too restrictive for fear of the perpetual yo-yo - but my natural inclination is "all or nothing." Also, my son is gluten free for medical reasons so I've joined him out of convenience. To tell the honest truth, I do think I feel better off gluten.

For the last few days I've wanted to eat nothing but protein- chicken most specifically. I am having to force myself to eat a little brown rice, a little sweet potato. I'm getting about 60 carbs a day. But I am not eating many fruits or even vegetables - just can't seem to stomach them except for the occasional carrot. All I seem to want is protein. It's been a challenge to even reach 1000 calories as you can imagine.

I am taking a multivitamin and just added calcium because I don't eat dairy either.

Am I destined to fail? Why do I only want protein? Is there some biological reason behind this? or am I psychologically screwed up?

Suggestions for willing yourself to add more variety?


  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    Broccoli with cheese, could make a lovely gluten free bruschetta I'm sure the tomatos are nice this year, cauliflower with butter, little bit of sugar to sugar beets, bacon grease added to most everything else. Make them taste appealing and they become more so saute up some peppers mushrooms and onions to add to spaghetti sauce you'd be amazed at the ways to hide vegetables.