period weight gain driving me crazy?!

so I know its common for women to retain water around that time of the month, my issue is, its never happened to me before.
Last week I was on vacation, I managed to eat extremely healthy, go to the hotel gym EVERY day, I actually was eating probably a little less than usual.
Came home from vacation, had a 'cheat day' -- nothing extreme, we're talking a handful of chips with some dip, more like a cheat snack or cheat meal rather than a cheat day-- and today I fudged up a little bit too. (an extra serving of veggie chips.)

Worked out today as usual, got on the scale, and I literally gained 5 pounds since last night. I'm extremely bloated. I look like I've put on 20 pounds.

Now I am about to start my period in 2 days.. so I don't know if that would have something to do with it or not.

I'm driving myself insane about it. How do I get rid of it? Will I ever look thin again? Very depressed here!


  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    It's an every month thing for me. Gain a few pounds, lose them when it's over. I do hate seeing the scale go up, but I know it'll come back down and that's always fun. :)

    I get hungrier and eat more, too. But I have days with like no hunger and eat less at the end/just after.

    You get used to it. All part of the joy of being a woman. ;)
  • stephanieluvspb
    stephanieluvspb Posts: 997 Member
    I deal with this every freaking month! 3-5 pounds I also get wiped out too, no energy. Don't worry about it it will go away after your period remember its fluid not fat :wink:
  • Argh... I know exactly what you mean. I retain water like crazy when I am due for my period and I feel extremely bloated. I generally lose my appetite for meals but around the end of the cycle, I get a huge craving for chocolate cake even though I am not a big fan of chocolate in general.

    As Kalikel said, just think of the results you'll see once your period is over. ^_^
  • 1stplace4health
    1stplace4health Posts: 523 Member
    That is the absolute worst problem I have with trying to stay on track. Not only am I cranky, irritated, & irrational but my cravings make me put on 5 lbs...that derails my weight loss. Ugh!
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    It's just a fact of life. Hate seeing it on the scale? Don't weigh in near your period. There's really no way to avoid it.

    I will say, that I have to go through it far less than other women. I'm on birth control where I only have 4 periods a year (which just about anyone can get prescribed now). I started it because it helped keep me from forming and rupturing ovarian cysts.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    so dont weight yourself during that time. problem solved
  • sarahsedai
    sarahsedai Posts: 273 Member
    i always gain 3-6 lbs a few days before my period, and bloat like whoa. it is what it is. do i still get a little upset when it happens? sure. but then i remember it's temporary, and i ride it out. in fact, if i'm consistent with my logging during my TOM, i lose all that weight and at least a pound or two more right before it ends.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Its only water weight & not real fat.

    I try not to weigh myself near my period, or on my period.... Of course the scale will go up... Its TOM and your holding onto lots of water.

    Best thing to do............. DRINK LOTS OF WATER : )
  • SlimMe37
    SlimMe37 Posts: 133 Member
    I weighed myself yesterday and I'm due on on Saturday. Big mistake! Then I thought, instead of getting upset by the 2lb gain, I will get excited. So I said to myself, I cant wait to see what comes off when my period is done :D
  • Dealing with this now and it sucks! I was down a total of 40 lbs and then gained 5 with the start of my period. The frustrating thing is that it doesn't miraculously go away as quickly as it arrived... I feel like i have to work so hard to get it back off. I have had the WORST chocolate cravings this week and have managed to avoid indulging and have managed to work out 4 days so far this week. Good grief, if I don't wake up tomorrow with a lower weight, I'm gonna throw something!
  • I used to retain like a mofo, until I found a natural remedy called Femal Balans Forte in Swedish. It's based on pollen and by taking two pills a day (you should take one) I'm no longer retaining and my pms and ovulating stress are almost non-existent.
  • alereck
    alereck Posts: 343 Member
    Might have nothing to do with your period. You made it sound like you exercised more than you usually do, that will cause water retantion too. Try to never take in consideration weight changes that do not stick for at least a week. I barely flunctuate, barely, from day to day but once in a while I will see a 5 lb increase that goes completely away in 2 days. Most of the time is after consective cheat days when I feel bloated....

    Give it a few days, don't stress.
  • I am currently having the same dilemma. Due for my period in approximately 6-7 days. As of today, I am up 5 pounds. I am constipated (haven't voided in at least 3 days) and very bloated. I did crave salts and sweets last 2 days and did indulge, but I would not consider it over-indulging. AND I have worked out every day!! It is very frustrating, discouraging and uncomfortable. I just hope that come 6 days from now, the 5 pounds and more will come off!