Hi--My weight loss journey so far

So about a year and a half ago, I realized "enough was enough" at 167 pounds and that I wanted to lose weight and get into shape. I was highly motivated and even with cheating on my "diet", the weight seemed to fall off in the beginning. I was walking for miles on a nearly daily basis and doing cardio dance workout videos as well as yoga. Eventually I got down to 141, and I was just 6 pounds away from my goal of 135. Then something happened and I hit a wall. The holidays arrived and I was eating too much junk as well as exercising less. I ended up gaining weight and I've been back up to 150ish for months.

I really want to reach that goal of 135. I need to watch what I eat and exercise on a daily basis again. I think the two go hand in hand, as its easier for me to not overeat/snack when I've been working out hard. Yet it's been increasingly harder for me to motivate myself to work out daily anymore. I'm not sure why except that I just got lazy again. So I need to figure out how to just push myself to work out on a regular basis until I'm back on track. I hope I can stick to it.