
Hey ladies and gents.
I just found this site web surfing about big boned people. :-)
Hopefully when I get home from vacation I can use it productively.
oh yea.... how can I work out or watch what I eat on vacation?:smile::smile: :smile:


  • btuman43
    I usually keep a small note pad with me and just write stuff down as best I can and then log it all after I get home. Or if you have a smart phone (except a blackberry. grrrrr.....) you can download the app and do it that way.

    Good luck on your weightloss journey!!!!
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    I have the MFP app on my iPhone, so I use that to track what I am eating when away. Either that, or I usually have my iPad or laptop with me, so it can go in there as well, but my phone is generally always with me.

    As for working out...I am currently doing Power 90. I always take my laptop with me when I travel, and my resistance bands easy fit in my checked luggage. That's pretty much all I need. Videos on my laptop and my bands. For road trips in the car, my Powerblock weights take up minimal space and allow me to take up to 100 pounds (5 - 50 lbs per dumbell) of weights to work out with, if I need something a little more than the resistance bands can offer.

    If you don't have a workout program you follow, you can easily look up exercises that utilize only your bodyweight to give you a good burn.