How do you combat "workout hair?"

I'm in the military, so usually during the week my hair is pulled back. Sometimes I work off base though and I "get" to actually do my hair. My problem is that from working out all the time, my hair is getting so greasy...but if I wash it, it dries out so quickly. Then there's the fact of how long it takes to do my hair...I like it straight...and between washing/drying/straightening it, it takes about an hour. Should I just live with a pony tail until I hit my goal weight and don't work out as much? How in the world...


  • servingthealiens
    servingthealiens Posts: 144 Member
    Have you tried shampoos for dry hair? I personally couldn't imagine working out and not taking a shower/washing my hair, but since I work out at night and shower every morning, I have the same problem because I'm showering twice a day sometimes. Neutrogena makes a good conditioner for dry and damaged hair and so does Dove. Maybe trying one of those will help you.
  • tkroeker
    I actually have the same question!!! I just recently read about a dry shampoo product. It's a sort of dry spray that you spray your hair with that cleans it, but without the whole process of showering, blow drying, straightening! I've never tried it, but I'm going to look into it - maybe you could too??? Just a thought courtesy of Lauren Conrads "Style" book.
  • Corinne_Bruce
    I'm curious to know the same thing, I can't do anything with my hair now that I work out 5-6 days a week. I wear it up a lot now :cry:
  • kelsiemojean
    kelsiemojean Posts: 15 Member
    Do you have fine hair? Lots of it? What kind of shampoo do you use?
    My sister does hair so it's "expected" I have decent looking hair. I work out at night and shower as soon as I get home. I only wash my hair every 3 or 4 days (it helps retain the natural oils of your hair). If you wash your hair too much it makes it greasy. What I do is I'll wash my hair one night and straighten it in the morning. Then i'll workout that night and shower but not wash it. Then when I wake up I will back comb and tease my hair and either wear it up or with that style. This works for me because I have a ton of hair and its very thick and coarse.

    Hope this helps, Merry Christmas!
  • newman84
    newman84 Posts: 234 Member
    they have stuff that you can buy to add to your hair to make it not so dry.
    I always put my hair up when it wet. hair spray it down and it dries during the day. I hardly every do anything with my hair. The part i hate the most about having to wear my hair up all day is the crease it creates in your hair from being up all day.
  • guardup
    guardup Posts: 230
    I wash it ever other day and rinse it thoroughly on the days I dont wash it. If I simply have to wash it again on a nonwash day. I use 1/3 the amount of shampoo I usually use, focus it on the scalp, and rinse quickly.

    In the summer, i often shower twice a day. So shampooing every other day keeps it from getting too dry.
  • priskar
    priskar Posts: 156
    My ultra curly hair can dry out quickly too and I like it straightened but dislike taking the time to do it every day.

    I've started embracing the natural wave in my hair. After workouts, I go ahead and shampoo when I shower, and just blow dry the bangs straight. I use Moroccan Oil cream in the rest which helps to take MOST of the curl out and adds moisture. It leaves the hair soft, shiney and with a nice "beach blown" look if I let it dry on it's on. I can then straighten it later when I get home and have a few minutes.
  • Ibleedlipstick
    Ibleedlipstick Posts: 33 Member
    I only wash my hair twice a week, and I work out daily. I tend to throw my hair into a pony/messy bun, work out, and then let it down after I get home. The sweat dries out, and doesn't really leave your hair looking greasy. I work out at night, and this helps too. I also tend to plan my wash days around things that I really want to look good for (if I have a date Monday night, I will do an earlier workout and then wash and dry my hair.)