"Insert clever caption here about making friends"



  • terri_journey
    terri_journey Posts: 287 Member
    I sent you a FR. Congrats. You will look beautiful on your wedding day. Anyone else that needs a friend, feel free to add me.
  • Hello Everyone,

    I am new to MFP. I have just recently joined Medi weight loss where they are helping me with eating healthy and some motivation. A little about myself. I am 24 years old that has struggled with my weight most of my life but was content until recently.

    Going back to when I played high school basketball where I knew I was going to receive a scholarship to play in college as the "big girl" down low. Back then I was able to run up and down the court for 30 mins, so i never really thought about my weight as an issue even though i know in the back of my mind (I am over weight for my height and for the sport). I continued to play all the way up to my sophmore year in college where I tore my ACL completely. At least time I gain a good amount of weight that my knee's surely didn't need. Since then I haven't really exercised like I use to in college and have just been packing on the pounds. Well now I am tired of being described as the "big Girl". I am ready to take my health into my own hands and CHANGE. I am writing on here so I can maybe meet some new people who are on a journey to lose weight as well. ADD me as a Friend and we can motivate and tell our stories. :smile: