Think I've hit a plateau - help!

Hello everyone. I have been losing about 1-2llb a week for the last 6 months, lost 3 stone now. Feel great, look better, all through changing my diet and a lot of exercise (running and cycling, a few light weights but not much).

Anyway, the last couple of weeks it has stopped. Dead. Nothing. I cannot exercise anymore than I do - I do 5-6 times a week, running or spin classes, an hour at a time. Six months ago I couldn't run at all, now I can just about manage 20 mins on the treadmill. Still eating well.

What can I do? I cannot cut carbs at I am type 1 diabetic.

Any tips/support welcome.


ETA: I am female, 42 yrs old, 5ft1 tall, now weight 76.3 kgs, was 95kgs when started end Feb.


  • FinFoxPT
    FinFoxPT Posts: 106 Member
    You know when you watch sports and someone changes direction in a flash and their competition is left dumbfounded? That's what you have to do to your body. Personally i would go way over your calories for a day and throw in something completely alien to your normal routine like; basketball, rollerblading, tennis, offroad cycling... anything with great agility! If i'm too routined my body gets lazy, this works for me.

    You're doing great, keep it up!!

    (Just copied my post from another thread with very similar issues)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Two weeks is not a plateau, its a stall. Have you adjusted your goals to incorporate your losses? If so just hang tight and keep doing what you've been doing, which is great!