ChaLEAN Extreme and P90X workouts

howardrw Posts: 80 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I am looking into getting both DVDs and was wondering if anybody purchased both or just one of them.
Is there any differences in them since both are for 90 days and both uses weights?
I was thinking of using Charlean Extreme for 90 days in preparation for doing the P90X for another 90 days.
Also because I am trying to continue to lose weight, but at the same time hope to build muscles to replace the fat I am losing.
In summary, I am looking at both DVDs for weight loss and muscles build.
Also do the DVDs that is sold on eBay are they any good (the DVDs are cheaper on eBay) or should I just order them from


  • msmm6
    msmm6 Posts: 5 Member
    I can only speak for P90X. It takes a several hundred dollar commitment to do it correctly. In addition to the program, which I suggest you buy from a reliable source, you will need a pull up bar, a mat and some type of dumbells. Cheaper is not better in this case. I don't know your condition but I got much more out of program the second time through than I did from the first. They have a motto which is very helpful in the first 90 days - "do your best and forget the rest". You'll find the second time through you are actually doing most of the exercises.
  • From what I am told by others, Chalean doesn't have pullups which is a big part of P90X. I would probably order the program(s) from BeachBody direct so that you are sure to get the full package of the workout progam(nutrition guide,schedule of workouts,fitness guide,program versions/choices,etc.)Hope this helps! Good luck to you!
  • TByrd1325
    TByrd1325 Posts: 920 Member
    I have done both Chalean Extreme and P90X. Chalean's weight workouts remind me more of full body training. While she will focus on a particular part on certain circuits ( more biceps/triceps, shoulders) she always incorporates legs and shoulders into every circuit. I LOVED her program and it is definately an excellent way to prepare for P90X. For Chalean all you'll need is dumbells and this lower body band that they send you with the program. Chalean will also be awesome for more fat loss before P90X.

    As for P90X, it is a much bigger investment, but one most people are very glad they made. ( I definately am.) The workouts are longer, more intense, and more focused on certain body parts each day.

    I would order from TeamBeachbody just because if you're going to be spending some money you don't want to get ripped off. If you order through a beachbody coach, you get half off shipping!

    Feel free to message me if you have any questions! I could talk about the programs all day, LOL.
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