Zumba for the wii

Who has the new cd for the wii? I was thinking of going out and buying it. I have gotten compeltly lazy dont do anything anymore but eat and eat.

So is it worth it. have you actually done the Zumba classes? Is it like that as those are a lot of fun


  • skaterbee
    I have the game and love it. I also go to zumba classes once a week but the game gives me the same workout. It is a calorie burner.
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I like the game a lot..but my class is a lot more intense..we leave dripping..lol
  • candlegal
    candlegal Posts: 220 Member
    I just got it for Christmas!!!! I can't wait to start it!! I have heard that it is really a good workout! :bigsmile:
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    Got the PS3 Move version!!! YIPPPPEEEEE!!!!!!!!
  • kathleensnyder
    I just got the game for Christmas, too! I can't wait to start it! I'll keep everyone posted on how well it works. :happy:
  • Stephoebe
    I got it for Christmas too. I have done two workous already and I love it. Leaves me feeling great and very sweaty!
  • bucky17h
    bucky17h Posts: 120
    I am new to Wii - I have only done Zumba and love it. I was doing my last minute shopping and treated myself to a used copy of My Fitness Coach - going to do that one today. I want to get the balance board.
  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    I've never done zumba classes, but I got mine for the wii several weeks ago. It kicks butt! I'm dripping! Heart rate is sky high and there is very little down time the entire "class" that I've been doing. No matter if I'm "on" or not with the girl on the wii I'm still getting a hellava workout! I'm getting tiny muscles where I was soft from 10 years of inactivity, and I can definately tell the next day trying to go down stairs! I have a couple Biggest Looser DVD's, Wii Fit Plus, and a Nordic Trak Skiier. Zumba is the most intense of all, and I've got a new HRM, so I have been checking! I haven't even explored all the CD or the additional "classes" and I can whole heartedly say it's worth it!!!

    Compare to a class in price and it's a no brainer! When I showed my husband the price of the local city class he went and got it for me immediately. LOL!
  • purplespeckle
    I was thinking of buying this but I saw on Ebay that the prices for both the DVD's and even the Wii game are around the same price. Doesn't the Dvd's have a lot more workout options than the actual game?