So very tired of hearing it....

I'm not sure if this is where this post belongs but here goes. ... More of a rant than anything..

I am so SO sick of hearing "you are going to blow away", "gonna have to put rocks in your pockets", "you don't need to lose anymore weight".... all of these things..
No one ever said a word when I was very overweight! Why not just compliment and move on!
I am 5'8 and weigh 154, not underweight or in danger of going underweight by any means.. even if I lost 10 more pounds, I would still be at a healthy weight. .
I realize that 110 pounds lost is a lot and people are stunned but geez...they act like I have some super powers.. people say, I wish I had your willpower. . Then in the same sentence tell me I'm gonna blow away...
Rant over! Thanks for listening!


  • missh1967
    missh1967 Posts: 661 Member
    You look fan-frickin'-tastic!!!! Don't worry 'bout what others say. Perhaps you could see it as a compliment and a testament to your hard work to get where you are. :)
  • ElkeKNJ
    ElkeKNJ Posts: 207 Member
    well, you do have a superpower. My wishpower usually wins from my willpower...
    And as to the compliments that are hidden in these comments. I guess the people in your environment are still getting used to your new size. If they visualise you, they might still see you as you were. When you meet, they get startled.
    You probably do not get these comments from people that did not know you at your old size.
  • bradsbaby1996
    bradsbaby1996 Posts: 154 Member
    Thanks ladies! No, people that don't know me think I am just a normal person! I love compliments and am grateful for them! It's just the same old line that gets to me.. I just laugh about it but sometimes it really bothers me!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    You do have super powers, you're amazing! Congratulations!
  • oneloopygirl
    oneloopygirl Posts: 151 Member
    OP - First... Congratulations. You've done amazing.

    Second - I understand your rant completely. I didn't have as much to lose as you, but I did have a fair amount to lose and worked hard at it, too. I've had people ask if I was starving myself, had an eating disorder, was ill, etc (all family members). Guess hard work and dedication aren't options anymore...
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    Congratulations. That's very inspiring. Smile and move on when offhanded remarks come your way... Unless it's close family. Then chew them out for being so rude. :noway:
  • SlimMe37
    SlimMe37 Posts: 133 Member
    I'm not sure if this is where this post belongs but here goes. ... More of a rant than anything..

    I am so SO sick of hearing "you are going to blow away", "gonna have to put rocks in your pockets", "you don't need to lose anymore weight".... all of these things..
    No one ever said a word when I was very overweight! Why not just compliment and move on!
    I am 5'8 and weigh 154, not underweight or in danger of going underweight by any means.. even if I lost 10 more pounds, I would still be at a healthy weight. .
    I realize that 110 pounds lost is a lot and people are stunned but geez...they act like I have some super powers.. people say, I wish I had your willpower. . Then in the same sentence tell me I'm gonna blow away...
    Rant over! Thanks for listening!

    I am the same height as you and the exact same weight as you. I've never had comments about being blown away. I don't even think I look that slim as it is. And I want to lose another ten pounds. I have had the you dont need to lose weight, why are you. My answer is the same as yours, losing the ten or so pounds I want to lose will still have me at a healthy weight. I just want to fit into my clothes more comfortably. It's not as if I'm starving myself either!
  • fluffygrump
    fluffygrump Posts: 12 Member
    Sounds like jealousy to me. Major achievements in any area can make people insecure. In my family, my financial success bothers them. They call me names like Richie Rich. WTH, it's not like I fell in a pile of crap and came up this way. I went to school and worked my *kitten* off in my career, took risks, and made sacrifices. The same kind of things it takes to lose a lot of weight. Take it as a compliment. They simply can't handle all that awesomeness. Kudos to you!
  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    I hear you girl! I'm having similar problems lol...for some reason people feel like it is their place to comment on what you should do with your own weight. Some say oh no dont lose any more, and some say a certain weight THEY think you should get to! which is so annoying.
    I think just ignore it and do what is best for your health and makes you look and feel your best :) That's what I'm planning on doing!
  • lucylousmummy
    lucylousmummy Posts: 348 Member
    Was going to post an almost identicle thread, I'm that sick and tired of my weight being the topic of conversation that I've started hiding in baggy clothes, ok I get that I've dropped nearly a 100 lbs ( reset my ticker to try and push me the final few lbs) and yes I get that some (not all) are well meaning, pat on the back compliments, but still.....
    Good example of this, we went out with my husbands family at the weekend, it was supposed to be a celebration for his sister, they spent half the night gossiping about my weight loss, it wasn't supposed to be about me, I felt like an animal at a zoo the way they kept looking
    I honestly don't know if I'm being overly sensitive about it or if I'm just paranoid, but I'm getting it at least 3 times a day from everybody including people who I don't actually know that well
    I've just bit my best friends head off after she gave me her usual greeting of skinny b***h, I've literally had enough and told her how it's making me feel! but the next time she sees me she will say the same thing
    I think some of it comes from people wishing they could do it themselves, some of it comes from jealousy as if they can shame you into gaining weight almost, whatever the reasons and as hard as it may be, think we are all just going to have to try and ignore it and keep doing what we are doing
    It must be working right for us to be getting the comments lol x
  • bradsbaby1996
    bradsbaby1996 Posts: 154 Member
    At least it's not just me!! Will it ever stop?? I sure hope so.. and you are right, a lot of it comes from family... just be happy for us that we took a stand for our health!!
  • court_fritch26
    court_fritch26 Posts: 297 Member
    You look amazing!
    I think sometimes people feel weird commenting on weight loss…I have had friends complement me, but then quickly backtrack with nervous comments about how I didn't look bad before or anything, or that it's not like you needed to lose weight, when in all reality I did. There are some points of jealousy with some people who haven't started their fitness journey, but I would also consider those who want to complement you, but not hurt your feelings about how you looked before…that's what I have experienced so far…granted I haven't rocked my weightloss like your fit butt! Keep being amazing!