Would love to start p90x, but need motivation!

I've started p90x a few times and loved the results and the workout...but had a hard time getting going. I'd really like to stick with it this time, so I need some motivation! Any tips, success stories, or words of encouragement are welcome.

Thanks guys!


  • Stooooo
    Stooooo Posts: 1,191 Member
    I've started p90x a few times and loved the results and the workout...but had a hard time getting going. I'd really like to stick with it this time, so I need some motivation! Any tips, success stories, or words of encouragement are welcome.

    Thanks guys!

    The best thing I can tell you to stay motivated is to know what you want to get from it. It makes it easy to push yourself hard.

    Any questions let me know.

  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    To be honest, you can get all the help and support from other people, but until you're truly ready to do it yourself, it may not be all that helpful. To truly commit to something, you have to first identify your personal "Why." WHY do you want to get fit? WHY is getting through a full 90 days of P90X important to you? Once you find that answer in your own heart, that's where you go on days when you don't want to workout.

    For many, their why is their kids. They want to be there for them for the long haul, they want to set a good example for their impressionable children, and want to relish life and play with them. That said, your why can be anything, as long as it hits home to you.