Viktor Frankl: Existentialist and the Father of Logotherapy

Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) was created by Albert Ellis. It draws from art of Asian and Classical philosophers is dependant on the assumption that typically the human psyche contains the two rational and irrational components which are generally in conflict with oneself. Anxiety is often brought on by irrational thoughts that end in self-destructive behaviors. REBT seeks to educate the patient and empower them to lead happier, more rewarding lives by replacing not rational thoughts with rational styles. Subsequent to reading Viktor Frankl's e-book, "Man's Search For Meaning", it seemed the book has changed since i have last read it about five rice. The book itself would be the same. I, the site reader, have picked up more from the concepts especially on no cost half of the book on the topic of Logotherapy. The first 50 % the book discusses Frankl's experience at several concentration camps primarily the infamous Auswitch. Lots of the prisoners who were at Auswitch were killed. It would seem with this incarceration period that Viktor Frankl could survive and write about this. But, that is what enabled him to survive and give his life meaning at that time. His notes for his book was recinded from him. He needed to mentally keep notes and re-write his book with daily experiences during the concentration camp. How does this apply to us, the reader? It applies considerably to us. We all contain a vast array of experiences of life. Most are driven because of the daily grind of life (just like in your concentration camp).