Am I eating too little

I have started my weight loss program 60 days ago. I have lost 12 lb in total and have 10 more to go.
I use to eat 1.200 kal a day, jog 60 min 5 days a week and do strength workouts 4 days a week/30 min.
Since 2 weeks ago I don't feel hungry. I eat but feel satisfied with a little amount of food. 2 weeks ago I had to force myself to reach the 1.000 kal. I don't feel sick or tired. I'm just not hungry.
I'm afraid that this small amount of food will affect my progress.


  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    It will not slow down your weight loss but you do need to properly fuel your body, especially since you are working out alot in addition to just losing weight. If you are having trouble hitting your calorie goals for the day then shift your diet away from traditional "diet foods". Eat full fat dairy and try to incorperate some calorie dense foods into your diet (nuts, avacado, peanut butter are just a few examples) If you use the search function on the boards you can find many many more threads with great tips for easily upping your calorie intake.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    If you are not taking in enough calories, you will continue to lose weight, but your body will begin to break down lean muscle as well as fat stores. Make sure what you are eating is calorie dense, as the above poster advised, (all good suggestions) and also add in some good sources of protein as well.