giving up carbs and sugar..



  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    It's impossible to go completely no carb, unless you only eat meat. As to if a very low carb diet is healthy that depends on an individual and their health. I personally can't do it, as it would kill me. I have extreme hypoglycemia (my last hemoglobin A1C was 3.1 (a level below 4.5 is considered hypoglycemic). I have cut out almost all simple carbs and almost all refined sugars, complex carbs break down slower and keep my blood sugars from spiking and dropping. When the very low carb diets first came out my dad and stepmom did it, while they both lost severel pounds quickly, in just under a year my stepmom was told to stop doing low carb because it was causing her to have Ketosis.

    From the Mayo Clinic:
    It's also possible that restricting carbohydrates to less than 20 grams a day — the level recommended for phase 1 of the diet — can result in ketosis. Ketosis occurs when you don't have enough sugar (glucose) for energy, so your body breaks down stored fat, causing ketones to build up in your body. Side effects from ketosis can include nausea, headache, mental fatigue and bad breath.

    In addition, the Atkins Diet isn't appropriate for everyone. For example, the Atkins Diet recommends that you consult your doctor before starting the diet if you take diuretics, insulin or oral diabetes medications. In addition, people with severe kidney disease should not follow the diet, and the weight-loss phases of the diet aren't suitable for women who are pregnant or breast-feeding.

    So the short answer is yes it's healthy and good for some people, and not healthy for others. Here's the link for the mayo clinic information above:
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,007 Member
    Nutritional theory is finally coming around on the fact that the high carb/low fat diet the government has been touting for years doesn't work and wasn't based on real scientific evidence. Not that a study is needed because all you have to do is look at how overweight and sick our population has become in the last half century to see the results of the recomendation for that diet....

    There have been several articles in the news lately about a study the National Health Institute conducted which shows that a low carb/higher fat diet is better for weight loss AND general health. I think we're going to eventually see a general swinging around to recommendations for this type of diet or at least less of an emphasis on limiting fat and substituting with carbs. Here's the study information from the NIH website.
    The low carb group wasn't really low carb and the low fat group weren't really low fat.......but increasing protein in lieu of carbs and more specifically refined carb does improve many health markers.......
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    Go low carb or don't go low carb. Ultimately, it won't make much (if any) difference toward weight loss. I've been going low carb for a couple of months now, but only as part of a specific workout program I've been doing (I was also curious as to how it would work, since it was a temporary thing anyway). I lost ALL of my weight while eating ample carbs. Low carb left me irritable and lethargic at first, but I mostly got over it. I'm not sure it's actually doing anything (especially since I'm maintaining and doing a completely different workout program), but I'll stick with it for another month (end of program).

    Going low carb is neither healthy nor unhealthy. It's simply one of many approaches to eating.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I know a lot of people that have given up on carbs and sugar and it seems to work for them, but is this a healthy route to go?

    Are you diabetic? .....then yes. For health reasons you need to manage carbs.

    Do you see low carb as a lifestyle change?......then yes. If you see sugar free and low carb as a permanent change, go for it.

    The vast majority of people who lose it at some point. This is because they make a few temporary changes to lose weight......then when dieting is "done".....they go back to same old habits that made them overweight to begin with.

    If you do low carb as a temporary change......make sure you have a plan in place for maintenance.
    Most people regain, regardless. Including calorie counters (including MFP users), so yes, OP, WHATEVER you decide you must have a plan for maintenance. If you decide to cut back on added sugars and heavily refined junk foods (what you're probably going to end up doing), then have a plan for how you'll either keep doing that, or add those back in, in moderation...
    The key is: create a deficit in a way that works for you to lose, and then have a plan to not gain it all back (which is the harder part).
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Hell no, never!
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    I would not be able to sustain my running without carbs. True story.

    side note-I don't get why people are afraid of carbs. I eat the majority of mine early in the day, to FUEL my exercise. But honestly, fruit and veggies are carbs and I couldn't live without them. I just try to stay away from "Empty" carbs.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    As others have said, you can't utterly give up carbs because that would rule out vegetables, legumes, fruit, etc. However, it is extremely effective and healthy to cut down on your processed carbs. Go a few weeks without eating bread, pasta, anything with added sugar, alcohol, etc, and you'll definitely lose weight. Stock up on veggies and lean protein, and some amount of fruit and whole grains and legumes instead. It's a healthier way to eat and you'll drop weight, so it's a win-win.
    What if I enjoy eating bread and pasta and the occasional beer? Why should I give up things I enjoy if there isn't any real need to? I can eat all the things you mentioned and be perfectly healthy, and lose weight if my calories are set correctly. If you really love pasta would it not be easier to find a way to work it into your diet rather then restrict it and have to crave it?
    ummm, don't give them up? See how simple that is?
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    I know a lot of people that have given up on carbs and sugar and it seems to work for them, but is this a healthy route to go?

    Are you diabetic? .....then yes. For health reasons you need to manage carbs.

    Do you see low carb as a lifestyle change?......then yes. If you see sugar free and low carb as a permanent change, go for it.

    The vast majority of people who lose it at some point. This is because they make a few temporary changes to lose weight......then when dieting is "done".....they go back to same old habits that made them overweight to begin with.

    If you do low carb as a temporary change......make sure you have a plan in place for maintenance.
    Most people regain, regardless. Including calorie counters (including MFP users), so yes, OP, WHATEVER you decide you must have a plan for maintenance. If you decide to cut back on added sugars and heavily refined junk foods (what you're probably going to end up doing), then have a plan for how you'll either keep doing that, or add those back in, in moderation...
    The key is: create a deficit in a way that works for you to lose, and then have a plan to not gain it all back (which is the harder part).

    Right. End-game strategy is KEY.
    You need to figure out going into any plan, how you are going to keep it off. Maintenance plans are necessary regardless of the road you choose to get to your goal weight. That is where I have failed before. Over and over. Maintenance plan this time? Check.
  • chubbybword123
    chubbybword123 Posts: 54 Member
    Giving up carbs and sugar? Is it necessary, effective? You should ask this to so many of the people here with success stories. Listen to what they have to say. Ask people who have lost weight and kept it off for some time, that will give you a better perspective.

    So far, most success stories have come from people who chose a sustainable dieting plan, a lifestyle change. If you see yourself going the low carb way for life, then go for it.

    Edit to say that I've lost weight through calorie counting, watching my macros, learning to cook and learning about nutrition, moving more, all thanks to the amazing people here who take the time to answer to so many questions. And because I would never give up any food group, I learned to enjoy everything I eat even more now that I understand their nutritional value better. I love beer, potato chips and fell in love with produce because I learned to cook better throughout my journey here on MFP.
  • stillhere1981
    stillhere1981 Posts: 119 Member
    Maybe try reducing the amount of refined sugars you eat? I think that would be good. I don't really see the point of cutting out carbs.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    Giving up carbs and sugar? Is it necessary, effective? You should ask this to so many of the people here with success stories. Listen to what they have to say. Ask people who have lost weight and kept it off for some time, that will give you a better perspective.

    So far, most success stories have come from people who chose a sustainable dieting plan, a lifestyle change. If you see yourself going the low carb way for life, then go for it.

    Basing your diet or exercise routine off of someone else's anecdotal observations is a fundamental principle of broscience. You're going to get more meaningful information if you look at studies that examine groups of people, preferably in controlled environments, rather than just asking your bro how he prefers to do it. The same goes for the gym - odds are you're going to get better results using a proven system that thousands of athletes have used successfully, rather than just asking your bro what split he followed to get to benching 3 plates.

    And that's not to say giving up carbs and sugar is somehow superior - only that basing your routine off MFP success stories is likely not the optimal way to go about it.
  • kmash32
    kmash32 Posts: 275 Member
    So I am someone that has PCOS and insulin resistance and is trying to reduce my carbs. I see a registered dietician, endocrinologist and my own doctor who have said the same thing.

    "For the ordinary person if you are eating within your calorie limits for weight-loss then you have most likely already reduced your carbs to a good level for weight-loss unless all you are eating is bread, pasta, rice etc. But if you are eating a balanced diet then it is hard to go over the recommended carbs for a normal person."

    They registered dietician did say she always recommends where ever possible that people switch to more complex carbs and less refined sugar but that most people don't have to give up these all together.

    Even with my PCOS, insulin resistance and no thyroid they have all recommended at this point I see how trying to stick to around 100 mgs of carbs a day works and we will only reduce it more if I am not losing. I do try to keep my sugar around 40-60 but am just getting back into this again so don't manage that everyday.

    They were also very clear in that when and if I lose the weight or if they say I can up my carbs I have to do it gradually because it can cause weight gain and bloating if all of a sudden I go from eating 100 to lets say 150-200 mg's of carbs a day.

    Hope this helps.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Giving up carbs and sugar? Is it necessary, effective? You should ask this to so many of the people here with success stories. Listen to what they have to say. Ask people who have lost weight and kept it off for some time, that will give you a better perspective.

    So far, most success stories have come from people who chose a sustainable dieting plan, a lifestyle change. If you see yourself going the low carb way for life, then go for it.

    Edit to say that I've lost weight through calorie counting, watching my macros, learning to cook and learning about nutrition, moving more, all thanks to the amazing people here who take the time to answer to so many questions. And because I would never give up any food group, I learned to enjoy everything I eat even more now that I understand their nutritional value better. I love beer, potato chips and fell in love with produce because I learned to cook better throughout my journey here on MFP.
    Successful at losing or maintaining? VERY different thing unfortunately.
  • SJKirk51912
    SJKirk51912 Posts: 176 Member
    I follow a low-carb diet, mostly because pasta, bread, potatoes is what I tend to over eat on. I plan on eating this way forever as it has become such a habit I do not think twice about it. However, I also track my calories too make sure I am still not over eating.

    While I cannot say how "healthy" I am as I haven't been to the Dr I will tell you I have noticed many changes this time around from doing low-carb rather than just watching calories. I eat a greater variety of foods than I did previous even though I have cut out pasta and bread. My energy is much higher now than when I was the same weigh from just low-calorie. And my skin has been much clearer.

    I am not miserable as someone quoted that anyone who follows low-carb would be and I am not a failure as someone else mentioned I would be.

    It works for me and that's my reason. However, I suggest that anyone who wants to reduce their carb intake also keep track of calories because some individuals idea of "low-carb" is very high in calories.
  • chubbybword123
    chubbybword123 Posts: 54 Member
    And that's not to say giving up carbs and sugar is somehow superior - only that basing your routine off MFP success stories is likely not the optimal way to go about it.

    True dat. Just offering my 2 cents cos she came here to ask the MFP peeps. I'm sure if she had read studies she wouldn't have come here to ask what we think about it, I really just offered some insight on what I've seen around here.
  • chubbybword123
    chubbybword123 Posts: 54 Member
    Ask people who have lost weight and kept it off for some time, that will give you a better perspective.

    Successful at losing or maintaining? VERY different thing unfortunately.

    Both =D
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Giving up carbs and sugar? Is it necessary, effective? You should ask this to so many of the people here with success stories. Listen to what they have to say. Ask people who have lost weight and kept it off for some time, that will give you a better perspective.

    So far, most success stories have come from people who chose a sustainable dieting plan, a lifestyle change. If you see yourself going the low carb way for life, then go for it.

    Edit to say that I've lost weight through calorie counting, watching my macros, learning to cook and learning about nutrition, moving more, all thanks to the amazing people here who take the time to answer to so many questions. And because I would never give up any food group, I learned to enjoy everything I eat even more now that I understand their nutritional value better. I love beer, potato chips and fell in love with produce because I learned to cook better throughout my journey here on MFP.
    Granted...this is primarily a calorie counting site, so, yes the "successes" will be made up of mostly "calorie counters" (who all claim to not be on diets for whatever reason).
    A potential bias.:flowerforyou:

    LOTS of folks are successful here (at losing, many seem to disappear for maintenance), and LOTS of folks are successful other places. And, in fact, LOTS of folks are successful who never post on the main boards because they aren't following the IIFYM dogma, including some VERY successful low, lower, and slow carb eaters.
  • chubbybword123
    chubbybword123 Posts: 54 Member
    Granted...this is primarily a calorie counting site, so, yes the "successes" will be made up of mostly "calorie counters" (who all claim to not be on diets for whatever reason).
    A potential bias.:flowerforyou:

    LOTS of folks are successful here (at losing, many seem to disappear for maintenance), and LOTS of folks are successful other places. And, in fact, LOTS of folks are successful who never post on the main boards because they aren't following the IIFYM dogma, including some VERY successful low, lower, and slow carb eaters.

    So true, I was personally never good at following any strict diet but I already loved veggies, lean protein etc. so starting to watch my calorie intake was a bit easier I guess. Out of curiosity, reading about diets and stuff like usual, I discovered that I am actually following the Mediterranean diet (aside from the occasional chips n beer that is...) but it happened without me deciding that, only cos I really love that kind of food.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    Giving up carbs and sugar? Is it necessary, effective? You should ask this to so many of the people here with success stories. Listen to what they have to say. Ask people who have lost weight and kept it off for some time, that will give you a better perspective.

    So far, most success stories have come from people who chose a sustainable dieting plan, a lifestyle change. If you see yourself going the low carb way for life, then go for it.

    Basing your diet or exercise routine off of someone else's anecdotal observations is a fundamental principle of broscience. You're going to get more meaningful information if you look at studies that examine groups of people, preferably in controlled environments, rather than just asking your bro how he prefers to do it. The same goes for the gym - odds are you're going to get better results using a proven system that thousands of athletes have used successfully, rather than just asking your bro what split he followed to get to benching 3 plates.

    And that's not to say giving up carbs and sugar is somehow superior - only that basing your routine off MFP success stories is likely not the optimal way to go about it.

    Completely agree. And because the OP said:
    I know a lot of people that have given up on carbs and sugar and it seems to work for them, but is this a healthy route to go?

    It would probably be suggested that she looks at multiple lifestyles and determines which one will be most conducive to her journey and which one will allow the greatest chance of long term success.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Granted...this is primarily a calorie counting site, so, yes the "successes" will be made up of mostly "calorie counters" (who all claim to not be on diets for whatever reason).
    A potential bias.:flowerforyou:

    LOTS of folks are successful here (at losing, many seem to disappear for maintenance), and LOTS of folks are successful other places. And, in fact, LOTS of folks are successful who never post on the main boards because they aren't following the IIFYM dogma, including some VERY successful low, lower, and slow carb eaters.

    So true, I was personally never good at following any strict diet but I already loved veggies, lean protein etc. so starting to watch my calorie intake was a bit easier I guess. Out of curiosity, reading about diets and stuff like usual, I discovered that I am actually following the Mediterranean diet (aside from the occasional chips n beer that is...) but it happened without me deciding that, only cos I really love that kind of food.
    When I read up on things...mine is basally Mediterranean meets south beach. :smile: