getting sent home with food



  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    Just by-pass your body and flush it straight down the toilet!

    Good one! Last night I put the cookies in the sink poored hot water on them untill they turned into mush than pushed the mush down the garbage disposal and ran it untill it was all gone.
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    I know I used to feel that way, not wanting to 'waste' food but really how is it 'not wasting' it to put it on our bodies when we know it's not healthy for us. I don't mean that an occasional treat isn't OK, but when we KNOW we're out of control why stuff ourselves with food simply because we don't want to 'waste it'.

    Gaining so much weight, then losing that weight & thankfully now being at goal I have learned so much about how important my body is & what I fuel it with. My body gets me around, it moves me places that I could never go if I continued to abuse it like I used too. I would rather see cake in the trash than aching joints or feeling unable to be out in public because I'm staying inside instead beating myself up worrying everyone will stare at my body in a judging manner. I would rather see crap food in the garbage than give up my new found confidence & freedom once again:love: .

    I sure didn't worry about food when I was a healthy weight in the past, if I was hungry I ate, if not I didn't. Simple as that:heart: I'm at that point again, and damn if I wanna go back to eating crap so I don't hurt anyone's feeling. Anyone feel this? I'm pretty positive I'm not the only one out here not worried any longer about hurting someone's feeling over a cookie.:bigsmile:

    We are all at various stages and we all grew up in different ways with parents growing up in different times. My parents grew up during the Depression, I fight the urge to save pieces of foil to this day and reuse them. :blushing: :sad: :tongue: Is there something wrong with recycling? NO WAY! But the difference is are doing it for the right reason, to help the environment, or out of fear or obsessiveness. Same as 'wasting food'....why are we REALLY saving it? To feed the hungry or to save it, 'just in case'.....:noway:

    Saving goodies after stuffing yourself the day before doesn't seem productive unless you truly can be one of those ppl that are at the point that can portion it out and freeze it. I don't give goodies to ppl anymore as I don't feel anyone needs the sugary crap (and most ppl I know do not want it). I'm not talking about a cookie or a small brownie.:tongue: I'm talking platefuls that ppl get around this time. None gets ONE plateful they get many so why on earth would I want to add to their sugar overload. lol My thinking on junk food has changed greatly even more so from when I was at a healthy weight before I gained weight. Gotta love MFP for reteaching us the value of food and how to place less importance on it.

    I greatly admire those of you that are tossing and getting back on track today and even more so those that logged in on days you ate less than healthy but wanted to compare the cals and see how you did. That took a lot of courage and guts to do that when you knew you'd likely be over. But it sounds like some of you were pretty surprised not to have been over anywhere near as much as you thought. Kudos to those of you who watched the log and worked out midday to be able to finish eating the rest of the day!:laugh: :tongue:

    I don't mean this to come off preachy AT ALL, honest I don't. I hope it doesn't because it's the furthest thing from my intent. I just feel we might want to consider not pushing food on ppl that say they are out of control. Isn't this what every other blog and thread has been about lately? Relatives and friends getting upset with us and pushing food at us even when we say no? It's really not that different at all. So Grandma made the cookies, Uncle Moe made the buttery mashed potatoes, we don't want them? So we don't eat them, who's taking the weight home? Not Grandma, not Uncle Moe, We ARE! lol

    OK, the end. Guess I had a little something on my mind:smokin: :laugh:

    :drinker: :wink:

    Well said, I used to be a sweet giver, now I'm not.
  • melanie92
    melanie92 Posts: 184 Member
    I say keep it. McDonalds will be around forever (as will most other junk) but your granny's cake? I say keep it and eat it slowly. She baked it with love!

    you bet! portion it out then freeze it. You will have opportunities to eat a little more on days that you exercise more. Or - just enjoy one piece once a week! Throw away store-bought cake, but not homemade by your grandma!
  • DrumlineGirl
    DrumlineGirl Posts: 178 Member
    Usually, I'd say just have a small piece and take the rest to work or school. I had to do that with cookies and caramels my mother-in-law sent. Since my husband couldn't eat them all in one day, I gave them away to my post man for christmas, and we gave the rest to one of my husband's bachelor friends. I did have a couple of the cookies, but just one on each day I tried them.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    I had some of it, but I should take a picture of how much there was. I froze one of them but just threw that out too, because I can't have it around, it is there to be eaten, and that is what I do with it. I want to eat clean and all this junk is always forced on me. Before my Dad went away for the holidays he left a casserole made of noodles, cheese, and breadcrumbs in the fridge. PASS!