Hip Arthroscopy - long shot

Is there anyone on here recovering from Hip Arthroscopy to fix a laberal tear and/or impingement lesion? I had my operation 2 months ago and will not be able to start running again for 8-10 months. I won't be able to do any high impact exercise for some time and I have been advised against swimming at the moment.

On the flip side I have just been given the ok to do squats, Cross Trainer and Cycling - due to the nature of the movement being good for my hip. However getting into an exercise routine when my options are so limited is difficult - especially now the nights are drawing in, the cycling will need to be relegated to weekends only soon.

Looking for some support and ideas really, to mix up my routine. Any advice from anyone who has been through this operation and the very lengthy recovery time will be more than welcomed!!!!


  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    I'm recovering from bilateral FAI and had surgery on both hips. Sadly, my surgeries have NOT helped me and I'm looking at surgery again on both hips. I know the pain of this recovery. Sounds like you're doing well.
  • gsdsian
    gsdsian Posts: 1 Member
    I'm waiting for Hip Arthroscopy at the moment. Was told in January there was damage to the labrum but a new Consultant has spotted that this is secondary to FAI. I've got everything crossed (apart from my legs, because that hurts!) that I'll have surgery before Christmas.

    I did manage to get a block of sessions with an NHS physio in the hydro pool and now am on a self management programme. Unfortunately because of demand that's only 6 sessions every 3 months, but in between I've found a private hospital that has a hydro pool and the cost of self management sessions isn't excessive. Would you be able to find a physio that could give you advice on the sort of exercises you could do in the water without swimming.

    Would an exercise bike be another possibility for you through the darker evenings. I prefer cycling outdoors but needs must.
  • Anniebotnen
    Anniebotnen Posts: 332 Member
    I had both hips replaced a few years ago, and the restrictions you have appear similar to mine for the first 6 months. I was cleared for walking starting the day after the surgeries, so I assume you are too? Walking is a very good exercise, and if you have access to a gym, can be done on a treadmill, along with the cross trainer and stationary bike. If you don't currently belong to a gym, or have access to these machines, there are some good, low impact exercise videos you can get and perform at home, like Walk Away the Pounds - available from Amazon. Since you have been cleared to squat, it sounds like you should be able to put together a weight training routine including squats for lower body, and almost any upper body exercises.

    Good luck! I know these restrictions are frustrating, but they are there for a reason.:smile:
  • btor
    btor Posts: 144 Member
    I just had my FAI surgery this morning! I will be looking to see you get any advice from anyone. :)
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Here are a couple of articles that show some interesting exercises. You have a lot of different muscles in that area so you need to do a lot of different exercises. Good luck.
