How long will this newbie be sore?

I'm a small gal, 120 & 5'5. I've always enjoyed the gym, but not like this past week. I have been doing bench presses and squatting, and I love it and the confidence it gives me! Days in, I'm sore as a mofo, like can't move out of bed sore. If I continue my gym time, 4 days a week 1-2 hour sessions, how long before the soreness will wear off. Also, when will I see some bulkiness? I know it doesn't happen magically- what protein powder to you recommend?


  • Chrisparadise579
    Chrisparadise579 Posts: 411 Member
    Ok there are alot of questions you asked so ill try to keep it short for you. Your soreness should decrease every week and be practically gone by week 4. Being that your female you actually wont get bulky but you will start seeing results in about 3-4 weeks. Also it depends on your preference for protein powder, but if you want low carb low calorie I recommend dymatize iso 100. If you dont really care too much about the carbs then I would recommend ON gold standard.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Emphasize correct form and start lower on weights until you've got it down. Your new to lifting so you will be a little sore, but if you are performing incorrect movements it can cause pain/injury. For example, if you're dead lifting and your lower back is killing you, you're probably rounding your back and not realizing it.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Sound like you are new to heavy lifting type noob?

    Two hour sessions might be a bit much.

    Soreness can be helped along with foam rolling and even some stretching along with mobility exercises when you are done hitting weights.

    Doubt if you will see bulkiness at all in the first year being female it takes quite a long time for men who have testosterone, but you will see strength improvements and will see definition. Bulking is accomplished with mucho calories with enough protein, proper exercise program.

    Protein powder is second rate to actually foods that contain protein so I don't really take it enough to give you a reco on it.