explain someone please!

lisapooh1 Posts: 90
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I don't understand the concept of burning calories. I weigh 166 and I eat 1400 cal a day. How many calories do I need to burn to lose 1 or 2 pounds a week? I usally do 30 min bike and 30 min elliptical a day. What do I need to do? I need a plan, but I have a back issues so I can't lift weights. Someone help me please. I love this site you guys are Awesome!!!!! Lisa Pooh


  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    This site furnishes all the tools you need to determine how many calories you should eat to lose your expected number of pounds each week.

    just input you info and it will give you a plan.
  • Teresa652
    Teresa652 Posts: 217 Member
    Maybe you aren't eating enough calories. 1400 isn't very much for putting in an hour of cardio. If you are burning 300 or 400 calories on the machines then you are way under your calories for the day and under 1200 your metabolism is slowed down and stores the fat and you probably won't lose weight. Good Luck.
  • I can try to help I'll message you. :)
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    I'll second that you may not be eating enough. You didn't mention your height or how many days a week you are working out. But I assumed a weight of 5'6" and that you're working out 5-6 times a week. According to my calculator, you should be eating closer to 1,900 calories a day. The idea is that your body uses a certain number of calories each day just to maintain function like keeping your heart beating and digesting your food. Doing additional work like exercise requires a higher intake of calories because your body will be in a higher state of activity. If you consume fewer calories, then your body will actually slow down how it uses the calories in order to conserve what is there resulting in a decreased rate of weight loss.

    So bottom line, I'd say to try bumping up your food intake to around 1700-1900 calories and see how things go.
  • carl1738
    carl1738 Posts: 444 Member
    I also agree that you may need to eat more calories. I am also curious about your back issues. There are plenty of strength training exercises that you can do without overly straining your back. Bench presses, incline curls, leg presses, leg extensions and curls, etc. Have you tried a weight lifting belt for lower back support? Have you tried any exercises that might strengthen your back such as deadlifts, hip raises, or back extensions, or programs such as yoga that would help work to strengthen your core muscles? I'm not trying to offend you, but I have known a lot of people that have complained about bad backs, but don't actually try to do anything to improve their strength or flexibility. If you have tried any of these things and found that they caused you pain and discomfort then I apologize, but if not I would perhaps get a personal trainer for a session or two to demonstrate some exercises that you could do without straining your back, and perhaps even build up strength and flexibility in your back so that it isn't a problem anymore.
  • Hello! Thanks and I am not affended. I have 2 disks that are torn and the piraformis muscle that is damaged. As for the disks they are reversible but the muscle has to stay strenghthen on a everyday basis or it will get worse. I am in therapy doing a core training and pilates but restricted from heavy lifting and most exercises are on the floor and pilates are stretches. Doctors orders and the programs will take 6 months to complete. So see how a girl could get confused on how and what to do. Thanks for your advice it's really appreciated always.
  • Thank you everyone!!!!!:smile:
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