Wii or Xbox Kinect?

ymamyma Posts: 227
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I want to buy a new toy, and am having some trouble deciding between the two...


  • We owned a Wii and I just did not like it . We also own an Xbox 360 and we got a Kinect yesterday and so far I LOVE it !!!!!
  • Guatamellon
    Guatamellon Posts: 102 Member
    What games do you like on the Kinect so far?
  • bucky17h
    bucky17h Posts: 120
    I have a Wii and am very happy with it
  • Hi,

    We've got both the Kinect and the Wii. You definitely use more energy with the Kinect and the exercise game they've got is very good but it does require a lot of floor space and there isn't really that much out for it yet. I personally don't find the Wii that effective for working out but there are plenty of people of here who do very well with it.

    Hope that helps
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    If you like gaming for other purposes besides fitness, the Xbox is a far superior system to the Wii.
  • ZacFields
    ZacFields Posts: 62 Member
    Timely question - I have played a lot of Wii and I just got a Kinect yesterday.

    For exercise purposes, you're going to expel a LOT more energy with the Kinect. Heck, that river-rafting game on Kinect Adventures (the game that comes with the Kinect) caused me to break a sweat because you've got to jump several times in one two-minute trip down the river.

    I purchased Kinect Sports today, and I probably burned another couple hundred calories playing that. I played a few rounds of boxing, which got me sweating pretty quick and got my heart rate up. The volleyball game on that was amazing as well... same deal - probably burned 100 calories playing that for 15 or 20 minutes. Lots of jumping and moving around.

    I got the "Your Shape: Fitness" game for my fiance for Christmas and I tried that out today. That game is really nice because it actually counts out the calories as you're working out. That game is pretty challenging if you've never really done aerobics. It analyzes the full motion of your body and knows if you're not doing it right. It'll give you pointers like "Raise your arms (or knees) higher" if you're not following along exactly. I burned 100 calories in about 15 or 20 minutes of that as well.

    My fiance also got the Biggest Loser game from her mother for Christmas and we haven't played that yet, but I imagine it's probably very good as well.

    I can't rave enough about the Kinect right now. Even if you just pick an active game, you're going to work up a sweat while you're having fun. I also have been playing "Fighters Uncaged," and all the kicking and punching involved in that game wears me out fast. These are things you really can't get with a Wii.
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    From a gamer's standpoint, the Kinect is simply a more advanced version of the Wii. Wii games frustrate the heck out of me because the sensors only work in a 2D plane, they detect up and down, and side to side, but have no depth perception. The Kinect does, so not only does it make the gaming more realistic, but from a fitness perspective you're going to be moving a lot more, because you can't really cheat the movement. (Anyone notice that most of the Wii tennis champs move less than a senior's ping pong match?)
  • We just got rid of our wii ;) The kinect is awesome & picks up more than the wii ever did (if you are concerned about scores).
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    I love my wii fit plus, sometimes if you do it after a while it can be boring..but once you get back into the mix it's pretty fun..We do have XBox360 and never tried kinect..I dunno..maybe someday when I can afford to have both.
  • xbox 360 is by far a better console than the wii we have a kinect and we love it.
    just got through playing the sports demo. ima have to get that game
  • Losingforlife1
    Losingforlife1 Posts: 14 Member
    If you're only going to use your new toy for fitness a wii will be quite a bit cheaper. The downside of the kinect is it uses 3 cameras so you probably want a sizable living room and it's quite a bit more expensive. If you don't have a bluray player a ps3 move might be more up your alley.
  • i dont see how a wii would be that much cheaper after you buy all the extra controls and gloves and fit. heck it might cost more, we got xbox and kinect for 299. spent less than 50 on the sports game and we are set, the boxing is a good work out. so is the track and field. i would go xbox. My sis got a fighting game (for my christmas gift) thats fun and the dance game ( for my wife's christmas gift) haven't played it yet. but it looks like you could get a workout. i think you should just go with the xbox as the wii is outdated and may cost just as much. Most people i spoke with that had both said xbox is 10x better.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    My husband and I tried out Kinect the other day and didn't like it. Just wasn't our thing. We have a wii & i just got ea sports active 2. It's much more my style i guess. We're happy with it.
  • Losingforlife1
    Losingforlife1 Posts: 14 Member
    The wii is stil $100 cheaper then the kinect bundle. If you add 3 more controllers to the wii it's still $35 cheaper. If you add 3 regular controllers to the 360 then the wii is quite a bit cheaper. So as I said b4 if you're only going to use it for exercise for yourself the wii is the way to go imo. If you want a bluray player then I'd spend the extra $ and get a ps3. Keep in mind w/the kinect you have to set up 3 cameras, that might not work out for some living rooms. If money is no object then it comes down to whether I have a bluray player and I"m going w/a 360 or ps3. I'd just head over to your local bestbuy and check out all 3.




  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    Kinect is awesome, got the EA sports active 2 for Xmas, it totally whips my *kitten*!
  • marisol7649
    marisol7649 Posts: 484 Member
    YOU MUST MUST BUY KINECT. I got one and I love it. I have used dance central and have lost 1lb in a day. It is so addicting.
  • Kinect for sure!!!! I just got done some boxing against family members, 3 - 0 so far!!!
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    Each of these your going to get what you put into it! If you just dance around lightly in the living room because you don't think the Wii is picking up your movements then your not going to get an effective workout... But... Excercise in real life is not about the score... so if you put your all into it and not worry about the ending score.. you are going to burn as many calories as any other console.. it's all about what you put into it.

    I have a Wii and I love it, I just bought the Zumba for Wii and I have no problems with it... I do the 20 minutes workouts with 4 minute cooldown and break and sweat and feel great afterwards.

    We also have a XBox 360 but at this time have no plans on getting the Knect for it.
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    I am game console impaired. :embarassed: I never could use one of those controllers worth crap, so I was very surprised when my son brought over his Kinect and I LOVED it! :smooched: The set-up was a pain, but using the system is simple. I sent him out to buy one for me, and used the "Your Shape" program this morning, and it is a great workout. The "Adventures" game that comes with the bundle is also a nice little workout if you use the rafting and obstacle course games. I tried a Wii a couple of years ago and had just as much trouble with it as I had had with other systems, not being intuitive for me at all. The Kinect really is made so that anyone can join in, even if they don't understand game systems at all. I also feel like the personal trainer and body scan technology will keep me performing the exercises optimally, with less chance for injury and for better results. For even a hundred dollars difference, I'd go Kinect all the way! NO Wii, no way!
  • dom300186
    dom300186 Posts: 127 Member
    Sod the wii it's out of date the kinect is by far the best thing since sliced bread.
    We have kinect adventures, the biggest loser and dance central had it since November and not gad one day off it yet love it, no accesories needed so you can't break your tele and you really have to work unlike the wii which u cam fob off.
    Burned about 285 calories in 50 mins doing biggest loser and dance central, tge dance one is awesome!!!
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