Losing weight in moderation. What's your thoughts

ThePhatMan Posts: 49
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Basic steps to changing habits and losing weight.

1. Decide if you truly want to commit to change.
2. Make a plan of what you want to change.
3. Dispose of foods that are temptations to you.
4. Plan a weeks worth of healthy meals, 3 meals, 2 snacks.
5. Plan an exercise program, start slowly.
6. Let the people closest to you know that you are starting a lifestyle change. Let them know how they can help; Not bringing
tempting foods into the house, working out with you and just listening to you work through some issues.
7. The first 4 weeks of this change will be the most difficult. You will be hungry, you may get headaches, temptations will pop
into your head continually and you will want to go back to your old habits. Fight for yourself, it will improve.
8. Most people on MFP are exercising a great deal. I’m not that into exercising so I just exercise 5 days a week for 50 minutes.
I actually try not to increase my time, I do increase my effort by changing speed and increase the incline on my treadmill.
The reason I don’t increase my time is because I feel I can do 50 minutes of exercise even when I may not want to. If I
increase my time that will work great while I’m losing weight but during the maintenance phase I will falter and stop
because it will become overwhelming. This time around, all things in moderation.
9. You will overeat on occasion, you can make it up on lower calories or exercising on your days off. On rare occasions it’s OK
to just let it go and start again the next day.
10. Don’t let people keep from your goal, I know this sounds easy but it isn’t. Part of you wants to let go and is looking for an
excuse to do so. Fight the feeling.
11. Be happy with your success but don’t get over confident. The truly hard work will be the maintenance once you’ve reached
your goal.
12. Don’t let the scale rule your life, weigh in how many times a month you feel comfortable. I only weigh in once a month, for
most people that isn’t enough.
13. Find out what works for you on this journey and don’t stop once you reached your goal, same principles apply. You may be
able to eat a little more but that doesn’t mean go back to the same habits that you worked so hard to change.
14. Remember why you are on this journey and keep it with you at all times, it will be a motivating influence.

What's your idea for changing?

Good Luck To You And To Me


  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    I absolutely love this post. You've basically summed up all things I want to do this time around. No more over exercising, under-eating, and weighing myself daily for 2 weeks, only to crack and binge, not feel like exercising, and give up for another month.

    Thanks! =)
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    great post :)
  • fantastic post. I'm bumping this, so I can look back on it during moments of low motivation.

  • This is fantastic and so inspirational. This is what we ALL should be looking to do - making a permanent lifestyle change, not expecting overnight results and giving up when we don't get them. Bravo! *claps*
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    This is all so true. Last time I lost weight I followed these rules actually. Unfortunately I let go a little bit more... but at least I didnt gain all my weight back. So some success after all. Now back on track. Thank you!
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