Trying to Trust The Process

From my blog at

We are 4 days away from the next big weigh in, and I have to admit I am feeling a bit frustrated. I know that I will not be hitting anywhere near the numbers lost as I did the last month. Mentally, I had prepared for that, but from the scale standpoint I don’t know if I am going to be able to swallow for the final outcome. It will be a small margin of loss, and that is so disheartening. I know that I have repeated not only on here, but also myself that the numbers is not what it is about, but THE NUMBERS GET ME EVERYTIME! There was a piece of me that thought if I upped my workouts and adjusted the calorie counts to a marginally smaller number (1630 vs. 1740) that I could just stay right on track and hit my 100 pound total loss marker from my biggest weight this month….that would have had to be duplicated of last month’s results (and really the first month, week, etc. of a new diet regimen is usually the biggest change). I have been wracking my brain about what I did differently this month. Did I cheat too much? Did I not eat the RIGHT calories? Should I be looking more at carbs or fat intake vs. Calories? It is way too soon in this new process to be at a plateau, and I am too fat to pull the “it’s muscle” card yet. I am so curious to see if/how many inches I have lost this month. I wasn’t really sure what a good number would be for last month (15 inches), and this month I am even further lost on what should/could be expected. I think I would feel alright with 8, or even just movement in the negative on all locations that I measure (neck, bust, waist, hips, arm, and thigh).

My trip to San Francisco was so great mentally for me with the Non Scale Value (NSV) victory of running the Golden Gate Bridge (see post “The Day I became a Fit Girl”), and I am really trying to take the electric energy from that to this weigh in. Regardless of the numbers, I am fitter than I have been in sometime. I was able to accomplish a HUGE physical feet for myself. That should be the real message of this last month. I don’t want to lose the drive. I know that I will think

“Why am I doing all this work and depriving myself of all my favorite foods, if I am not going to lose weight?” So, why am I? What is all this for? What do I have to change to see results? My WHY is my daughter…She is why I do everything in life now. To give her the best of everything, including myself…..for as long as I possibly can. I know that the thought of ever letting her down because I am fat will push me thru each month, but what I have done differently is stumping me a bit. I tried to think about some changes that I had this month with food. I didn’t do as well as I did last month, but I was successful at least 90% of the time on my calorie counting. While talking with a friend, I did take note that I have eaten more sugary items or carb items. I am still in my calorie allotment, but maybe the way that everything is processing in my body is creating a lag in weight loss. For instance, I was snacking on Nuts primarily the first month. I had almonds, cashews or peanuts 2x’s a day. They were heavy in calories for a small amount, but chalked full of protein and good fats. This last month, I have been doing more of the protein shake or protein bars/luna bars/odwalla, etc. They are also high in protein, but they have sugars and chemicals and carbs attached with them. They are the same amount of calories though. Also, for the nights that I have indulged and drank alcohol (which I only did once last month), is that having long-lasting effects on me?? I noticed after this trip that I am retaining water. My ankles are always a key indicator. They have been better today, but last night they were swollen. Hopefully, the gallon+ of water I am consuming a day this week is helping with that. I wasn’t as good with water last week with our trip. Maybe just having a “cheat weekend” in many ways was not a wise chose the week before a weigh in. There has to be a reason. I feel as though I should see some results.

Today’s #glamgirlchallenge that I am doing on Instagram (@rejenuvate) challenge was “Trust the Process”. I thought that it was pretty profound to have that as my daily challenge in my current mental state. Every month is going to have different results, but the end results if I stay on this path will be worth it!! I get a weekly update from my fitbit via email on Tuesdays. When I first got my fitbit back in March, I was only averaging 7,000 steps a day, and I was working for those. It seemed impossible that I would get to 10K a day. Today’s email I had an average of over 12,000 steps a day and close to 90K for the week. That is 20K over the weekly recommendation and equivalent to 20 additional miles walked! I didn’t get to that overnight, it has been a slow and steady climb. Now, walking 10K in a day is easy, and I have generally hit that mark by mid-afternoon. I have found so many ways to incorporate steps into my day and no longer live a sedentary lifestyle. I have a standup desk, and sit SIGNIFICANTLY less than I used to during the day. I am working out 6 days a week for a minimum of 30 days on top of my steps. Things have definitely changed….now just hoping that translates to my waist line, so I can stop worrying all the time….or better yet, maybe ONE DAY, I will really stop caring about the numbers. I am not there yet. In the meantime, I will just keep going and track some of my dieter changes a little closer to see if I can find the right combinations of food. The journey is a constant work in progress….but, I will trust this process.


  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member

    Sorry, most people in these forums, including myself, don't have the patience to read an essay. If you have specific questions, it would be better to ask them instead of posting an entire blog entry.
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    This is the sort of thing probably better suited to writing on your MFP blog rather than in the forums.

    You can find your blog at
  • Xpecta
    Xpecta Posts: 451 Member
    Oh To not care about the numbers!! If only hey?! You're going on the right direction. It's very smart of you to trust the process. I think I will adopt that. I care about the numbers too much. As for the muscle, if you've been doing any kind of physical activity and weren't before, then your muscles are going to get bigger! That's just the way it goes. So yes, it can be the muscle. Especially if you've been doing any strength training! You can do it! Keep it up and keep positive! You'll get there! We strive for progress, not perfection ;)