Hello Hello!

I'm finally getting my butt in gear and losing all this pudge! It's frustrating. I was in the military for 12 years and was in shape. I know what I have to do at the gym...it's just getting there that was the issue. I had gotten sick, too. so then I just kept piling excuses on top of excuses. About 3 weeks ago I made the decision to actually change. I miss weight lifting. I used to do it for kicks. I'm a short girl (5ft 2in) and I like being called 'freakishly strong.' Well, I'm still strong, but then there's fat on top of that.

My husband and I try to motivate each other but I go during the day (I work evenings), and he goes after work (he works days).

I've lost 8 lbs total so far (about a month). I don't care how many pounds I lose, I'm more concerned about hips/waist size. I'm still tracking pounds but I'm also trying to build muscle.

We have a 3 year old who is getting more active and we're trying to have another, so getting my weight under control (or at least starting a workout routine before) is going to help immensely.

I just came to say HI! and also say how much I love this site. It's really helping me keep track, stay accountable, and keep on doing what I need to do.

Also, being that I do already know what I need to do at the gym, I hate HATE the weird looks I get in the free weights room at my gym. It's not all the time. In fact, mostly everyone is awesome, but you get those "bros" who just shake their head. Well boo on them. I'm there, doing 40 min cardio then roughly the same in weights. I'm getting my sh** handled and feeling good. We all start somewhere, right?

So yep. That's me. *Waves Hello to everyone*
