can you gain 16 lbs. in 3 weeks?

i was 216 lbs 3 weeks ago and today when i weighed myself i was 232 lbs. without shoes on,i am 5-10 1/2. i am taking antidepressants and zyprexa and i am eating too much but i am always hungry,but i feel like 16 lbs. is too much.


  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    Antidepressants wouldn't have that much to do with it, I know they MAY cause weight gain but not that darastically. It would be how much you're eating. If you take into consideration possible weight fluctuations, time of day you took both weights, if your scale is accurate... Then it could be possible, or maybe close to the weight.

    Instead of worrying about it you could try and get the eating under control. You might think you're always hungry but it's because you're use to eating that often. It takes about a week or two for that to go away. Try drinking water or tea or go for a walk.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    16lbs in 3 weeks sounds like an awful lot!!! That is over a stone in under a month!!!

    I would go to the doctors or check the antidepressants - Are they supposed to increase your appetite then?

    If you are always hungry - that's not right!!!! Maybe get a blood test & your thyroids checked!!!!

    You need to try and eat lots of protein, veggies, fruit, good wholemeal fibre!!! Drink lots of water too!

    I find if I eat a lot of processed carbs..... It never fills me up - So I eat more!!
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    Zyprexa is a f**ker for increased appetite so if as you say you are giving in to that, then I can see 16lb in 3 weeks (I gained 30 in 6 weeks on Zyprexa back in the day but also didn't care at that time)
  • lurker011
    lurker011 Posts: 16 Member
    i still feel like 16 lbs. is alot. i have been eating about 2500-3000 calories a day for the past week,but i also average about 4.5 miles of walking a day,i guess that the zyprexa is slowing down my metabolism.
  • violasmith85
    violasmith85 Posts: 274 Member
    possibly water retention. are you eating high sodium and not getting enough water?
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    Lets do some math. Is it possible you have been eating 2500 calories OVER you maintenance? If not, then it is not fat that you have gained and for one reason or another you are retaining water. Anti-depressants are not usually associated with that kind of water retention. I would try and get your calories consistent and see if this water weight doesn't just come off. Give it another week or two. If your weight doesn't go down or continues going up, I'd get checked out by your doctor.
  • Mykaelous
    Mykaelous Posts: 231 Member
    It could be bloating. I just had a 3 day binge fest and gained 10 lb's. Ate back at my normal diet for 3 days and I am now only 1 lb over where I was before the binge.