Weight Loss - When you are impatient for results

Hi, Just wondering how people handle feeling impatient with getting the results, it always seems a long 7 days till the next weigh day...a long month until the next measurement day...a long 6 months it will take until I reach my goal if I stay on track.... what methods do people use to keep focused in the short term with the day to day hard work when reaching your goal seems so far away.....those who have managed to consistently lose weight for 6 months to a year or longer...how did you do it!? i always manage 2-3 months and get okay results then something happens or i lose motivation and i'm set back again!


  • 7ricarico
    7ricarico Posts: 15 Member
    I have the same struggle... I'm very impatient! I also know that my impatience can be a downfall---if I don't see results on the scale, I tend to give up. What's been working for me lately is looking forward to fun workouts. I completed C25K this summer--which was a huge accomplishment for me. Seeing the progress in my running helped to divert my attention from the scale. Now that I'm done with that program, I take LesMills classes every day M-F and sometimes Saturday--they are so much fun and have greatly improved my fitness. I'm also still running a few times/week in the evening so I don't reverse the progress I made there. Even though right now the scale isn't moving as much as I would like to see it, it's really helping that my attention is focused on something that is healthy and will help move my body toward my goals.
  • unhgoose
    unhgoose Posts: 122 Member
    In the past I've used mini-rewards. Lose so many inches and get a treat (for me that's stuff like $10 gifts to myself that I wouldn't usually spend money on- I'm pretty frugal).

    I also just try to do things I enjoy so that I'm not as focused on it. After a few weeks of getting back into a healthy mind set it seems normal to eat only lighter healthier meals. And I cook them for myself so they taste delicious. I also chose exercise that I enjoy.

    The key for me to not feel impatient is to not feel deprived by what I'm doing so it isn't really a struggle. When I've tried more restrictive diets in the past I've felt like there was a giant timer clicking down somewhere that let me know when I would get to eat again and a longer timer for when I would I have my magical perfect body. Waiting for that made me really *****y. I'm not a happy camper when I'm hungry and have a long period of misery in front of me.

    TLDR: Make changes in your life that don't make you miserable, keep living your life and hopefully you won't notice the wait that much.

    Good luck on your journey.
  • tlblake84
    tlblake84 Posts: 48 Member
    I can relate. I joined MFP last year, but only used it for a short time and then just stopped after I lost motivation. I'm doing much better this time around and sticking with it. I, too, am seeing slow results and its hard to keep at it each day. I am moreso watching my progress with clothes. Once I fit into this pair of jeans comfortably I hit a milestone, next milestone, this pair of jeans.
  • SteveMFP123
    SteveMFP123 Posts: 298 Member
    I weigh myself once a month, so for me it's even longer and by the time I get there I really need that hit of motivation that losing weight gives me. So far it's working out well for me because I've lost decent numbers in both my weigh ins, the problem will be if I ever struggle on the scale which hopefully I won't.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Because I switched to setting fitness related goals over weight loss goals. Example my goals this month: Bike 300 miles, lift 3 times per week per my plan, and run at least once per week.

    To do that I have to stay consistent. You also need to learn patience. Plus developing good habits, I log my food as part of my daily routine, I work out based on the routine I've put into place.

    The other thing is I've learned this time around that I don't have to be miserable to lose weight.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    I remind myself that impatience doesn't change anything and that giving in to that impatience would only push my goals further into the future.

    Basically, I jut refuse to give in to it. That's probably not very helpful, but it is what it is.
  • Rachelwin65
    Rachelwin65 Posts: 55 Member
    That has been my MO in the past. The goal is just so big and overwhelming. Yesterday I met with a nutritionist for the first time and we set a goal of just 30 lbs. (I am about 130 lbs. overweight according to the BMI scales.)

    So I actually adjusted my ticker to show the 30 lbs. goal and am going to stay off the scale until my next appointment with her in 3 weeks. I am hoping that is going to keep me focussed on the day to day accomplishments of eating healthy, tracking and exercising.
  • Rachelwin65
    Rachelwin65 Posts: 55 Member
    Because I switched to setting fitness related goals over weight loss goals. Example my goals this month: Bike 300 miles, lift 3 times per week per my plan, and run at least once per week.

    To do that I have to stay consistent. You also need to learn patience. Plus developing good habits, I log my food as part of my daily routine, I work out based on the routine I've put into place.

    The other thing is I've learned this time around that I don't have to be miserable to lose weight.

    This is GREAT advice!
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    I remind myself that the weight didn't come on in a few weeks or months and it sure as heck isn't going to come off in a few weeks or months. That and I have a picture I look at that keeps me motivated. Its the picture that finally got me to start losing weight (me in the black dress in my profile pic).
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I focus on and enjoy one day at a time, one meal at a time, one walk at a time. If I follow my plan, consistently, but not fanatically, I know that will get results. And I don't freak out over short term water weight fluctuations.
  • lisas2415
    lisas2415 Posts: 9 Member
    In the past I've used mini-rewards. Lose so many inches and get a treat (for me that's stuff like $10 gifts to myself that I wouldn't usually spend money on- I'm pretty frugal).

    I also just try to do things I enjoy so that I'm not as focused on it. After a few weeks of getting back into a healthy mind set it seems normal to eat only lighter healthier meals. And I cook them for myself so they taste delicious. I also chose exercise that I enjoy.

    The key for me to not feel impatient is to not feel deprived by what I'm doing so it isn't really a struggle. When I've tried more restrictive diets in the past I've felt like there was a giant timer clicking down somewhere that let me know when I would get to eat again and a longer timer for when I would I have my magical perfect body. Waiting for that made me really *****y. I'm not a happy camper when I'm hungry and have a long period of misery in front of me.

    TLDR: Make changes in your life that don't make you miserable, keep living your life and hopefully you won't notice the wait that much.

    Good luck on your journey.
  • lisas2415
    lisas2415 Posts: 9 Member
    This is great. Little rewards are helping and I have split my big goal into lots of little ones so I can do little accomplishments in smaller time frames.
    I think you hit the nail on the head for me in that even though I haven't cut anything out I am imagining a ticker in my head until i can 'be normal' again.
    I think i need to find the right balance between staying motivated and focused to reach my goals whilst at the same time accept that this is a lifestyle i have chosen now and there wont be a point where that suddenly stops when i have the magic body.
  • lisas2415
    lisas2415 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you everyone, all great advice,I think the key for me is like you say to realise I don't have to be miserable losing weight!
  • tiggerGlasgow
    tiggerGlasgow Posts: 12 Member
    You can weigh in daily and plot it on a graph. That way you can watch the trend line and see when weight gain or a stall in weight loss is hormonal/ a blip or something to examine in greater detail.
  • Evgfab
    When I was on my journey to lose weight I really enjoyed the process. I didn't do weight-ins at all. Exercising gave me a lot of energy and I got addicted to it. I used to picturing myself how I would feel, how I would look when I lose weight, what cloths would I wear and what things I could do. That visualization together with the energy and overall positivity I received after working out and kept me going.
  • joanna_82
    joanna_82 Posts: 151 Member
    Find other goals that are smaller and more achievable. I've used swimming as a goal over the past few months. After I learnt to swim (at 31!) I could do 10 minutes and would be totally exhausted. Now I can do 30 minutes before I'm too tired to carry on. All these things that you realise you can do now, that you couldn't do before, should spur you on to keep going until the next weight goal.
  • ewhip17
    ewhip17 Posts: 515 Member
    For me, probably THE most significant change I made when I decided to make a run at this... again... was to completely change my expectations for weight loss. In the past I always had that "biggest loser" mindset - if I didn't see big losses on the scale I'd totally get frustrated and quit. So, at the beginning of the year I totally committed myself to averaging 1-2lbs of weight loss per week. That level is what I now consider success. Anything more than that is great, but I've also started to look at anything more than that as a bit of a caution - to make sure I'm always mindful about doing this right. Expecting 1-2lbs per week has really helped me get through those really tough times where I lose less than half a pound or even gain - both of which have happened a number of times this year. When that happens I can go back to "reports" in MFP and see where I was a month ago, or two months ago, and it helps me realize that I'm usually still on track and that I've come a long way. I even had T-Shirts made that say "100 in One" just to constantly remind me of the goal.
  • meridianova
    meridianova Posts: 438 Member
    You can weigh in daily and plot it on a graph. That way you can watch the trend line and see when weight gain or a stall in weight loss is hormonal/ a blip or something to examine in greater detail.

    this is about the only thing saving my butt right now. i'm to the point where i feel like i'm NEV. ER. going to break that 10lb mark, and i've been working on this since mid-may. i've been using the comprehensive MFP extractor made by EvgeniZyntx to remind me that yes, there is a downward trend. and it also shows me where i need to tweak to improve my report card.

    i love what i'm eating, i enjoy going to the gym, but i'm nearly to the point of thinking all this work isn't worth it because the results aren't anywhere near where they "should" be. i keep my goals short-term, as in each day my goal is to eat on plan and go to the gym.
  • 1Cor1510
    1Cor1510 Posts: 413 Member
    Taking pictures saved me. Being able to compare progress with the very beginning picture made me so thankful I was still working hard every day and NOT where I started. I did measurements and pitures every 2 weeks. There were times when I looked at the before/current pictures every day just to keep me motivated. Whatever works for you, but that works for me!