Med Student!

Hi guys/gals!

So I'm a medical student (in school to be a doctor), and after my first year I gained THIRTY pounds. I always had a busy life prior, with full-time schooling, a full-time management job, etc. When I came here, things changed quick. We don't work in medical school, but we do sit down for 10-14 hours a day with lectures and studying! I never had to work out and I didn't want to. Well, here I am now at the heaviest I have ever been and am making changes!

Luckily, I feel like I have a better "feel" for how to study and time manage, so I've actually been going to the gym! The dieting is the easiest, although there is junk food in my apartment for my boyfriend.

I'm 23, 5'2". I actually don't drink allot (which tends to be pretty common, even in higher education). I live with my boyfriend and love going to concerts when I have time. I live farrrr away from "home" and I know even my dad made comments about watching what I eat, so I want to show them I can be back to my normal self and still juggle everything in relation to being a good doctor!

SW: 152.8
CW: 149.2
GW: 135 (for now)

BMI: Current 27 (Goal under 25)
BF%: 25.6 (Goal 21-23)

I'm 19 days in. Any other med/grad students or people in general that want to be friends on mfp?
Also, please don't ask me for medical advice. I'm only in year 2! I know my science, and that's about it, haha. (You have no clue how many of my irl friends try to ask me for advice -- it would be irresponsible for me to spout out things I'm only partially taught on!)



  • dganntech
    dganntech Posts: 7 Member
    I'm on the med school road too and I've gained 40lbs..... I don't have my time managed as well as you do and I haven't seen the inside of my gym in 5 months!