Hello, I'm Jenna!

I am a 24 year old graduate student, and I've learned very quickly that there is a connection between exercise, stress, and pain. I have had chronic pain for two and a half years, during which I had to take a year off of school to get my life back into order. In the spring of 2010 I went through a 3 week pain rehabilitation program at the Mayo Clinic, and it changed my life.

At Mayo, they stressed the importance of staying active in spite of your pain. Unfortunately, before I went through the Mayo program, I went nearly two years without any exercise. I started this journey as an active, volleyball playing, hike going girl who couldn't find pants skinny enough but still long enough. Now, finding pants isn't any trouble at all, but I don't like the way I feel in my own body. My goal is to drop back down in weight 15-20 pounds, but more importantly I want to feel muscled again. Not crazy scary big muscles, just toned.

So, that's my big motivation/goal. I am always more than happy to talk to anybody who has questions about life with chronic pain, or anyone who just wants to find someone to stay motivated with!
