High Intensity interval traing

craig61 Posts: 40
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi has anybody tried this on a treadmill?
i just started i do 5 minute warm up then 12.8 kmh for 1 minute then 6,8 kph for 1 minute i do this for 16 minutes. then 5 minutes cool down,got to say i am completely stuffed after doing this.
calories burnt 440 via my polar FT7.
i do this every second day.


  • True HIIT is considered to be notoriously hard on the treadmill because you just can't max out. But if you're completely wiped after your workout that's good and if that's the case you should only be doing it 2-3x a week. True HIIT involves max output for short bursts such as sprinting which are full out runs followed by a longer recovery. The only true HIIT I've heard on a treadmill involves jumping on and off but isn't recommended for most people.

    Continue doing what you're doing but lower it to 3x a week.
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    when i joined the gym my trainer told me to set the treadmill on this setting and do 8 for a jog for a min and 11 as a run for a minute. after 15 minutes i am dying. lol i sometimes i have to put the jog as a walk so i can run on the other minutes. its not my main workouts though but i do like it. :) i only really get about a 100 cal burn from it though presumably because of my weight
  • After 15 minutes of HIIT you -should- be dying. After 10 minutes of HIIT you should be at death's door. ;)

    It's more difficult on a treadmill though because you can't really max your sprint out and cycle safely (sometimes I miss the button when I'm sprinting at 12.0 mph and it's an awkward stumbling dance, lol). My preference for it now is on an elliptical -- you can control the intervals safely and if you use the arm-stick things you can get the entire body into it.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I agree, depending on how fast your max run speed is, I would classify this as regular interval training, not HIIT per say. I suppose it depends on what you define HIIT as, some people define it different than others. Still a good technique, but probably isn't getting you into anaerobic metabolism like you are looking for (if that's what you're looking for). If you really want to do max training, do it on a spin bike. Spin bikes are perfect for this kind of training.

    If you want a really good HIIT program, look up the original Tabata protocol, that'll get you there. that one is killer. I do this one once or twice a week (it's about all your body should be able to handle, and really all you need). This type of training shouldn't be performed more than 2 or max 3 times a week, it's very hard on the body, and can cause some issues in the long term.
  • I agree with SHBoss, Tabata is an amazing workout when done properly. It is really a serious butt kicker, but I've gotten excellent results by incorporating this into my routing 2-3 times a week!

    If what you are doing is working for you - GREAT - you know your body best. But this is a good suggestion if you are looking to give your self a challenge and change your body that much more!

    Take care.
  • thanks guys for the terrific feedback the reason i do 1 minute fast then 1 minute slow is the treadmill only does minute cycles.
    so i have 16 minutes programed at the desired speeds so i don't have to go fumbling for buttons while i'm about to die lol.
    Tabata looks a bit to serious for me at the moment as ocording to my bmi i am still 0.2% in the obese range
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