is it okay if I eat too much sugar from FRUITS ?

I love fruits. Usually I eat an apple a day, then another fruit, eg: Peach or Berries.
I feel these are usually okay, but I love bananas too~~
So since I used MFP, I found out whenever I eat a banana as an extra treat, it will show that I eat 1 or 2 g more sugar than I'm supposed to eat...

I read that fruit sugar is okay, but I just don't like to see that RED "1" on my "FOOD" Page...

Any advise ? Thank you !


  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    The goal MFP sets for sugar is simply a suggestion. Going over on sugar will not inhibit weight loss unless you also go over on calories. Providing you aren't diabetic (or have some other disease process) I wouldn't worry. What I did was take my sugar goal and simply increase it. Now I don't go over anymore :)
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    If it's okay with you and your doctor, it's okay.

    I couldn't care less if I exceed the sugar total, as I'm sure I do almost daily. Sometimes, I'm almost over just with my first meal.
  • dianaom
    dianaom Posts: 5 Member
    I came to the community now with the exact same problem :) I still have almost 500 calories that I can eat today, but my sugar is -20 because I ate bananas, iogurt with honey, strawberries and grapes today. Oh well.. I guess I don't care.
  • Moderation is key.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Even for diabetics (at least type 2 like myself) sugars are inconsequential overall and what is important is total carbs. I deleted the sugar tracking and track fiber instead.

    If you doctor has not told you to track your sugars, ignore it and aim for your carb macro.
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    Personally, I say you shouldn't overeat fruit. I'm keto so I don't eat much fruit at all aside from a few berries here and there, but fruit sugar is still sugar. It's high in fructose, which is the most damaging kind of sugar (SEE: ) . Obviously, we all process sugar differently, but that is my opinion. Sugar is sugar is sugar, and it shouldn't be eaten in excess. That said, you said you eat two pieces of fruit per day on average. I don't think that's 'excess' as long as you don't have metabolic issues or insulin resistance, personally. If you lose consistently and your doc says your numbers are good, I wouldn't worry about it.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    For a person without a medical need to avoid or limit sugar, there is not much need for concern. Provided that your sugar consumption is not interferring with your intake of other macro and micronutrients on a regular basis, that is.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    The sugar tracker is deceptive. It doesn't distinguish between added sugars and natural sugars, and even if it did, food labels don't distinguish. Unless you have a medical reason to track sugar, either up your sugar goal so you don't see red or track something else. I track fiber instead.