Calorie burn of Manual (blade on handle) Weed trimmer?


I know that there has been a post about the motorized weed whippers/trimmers, etc., but I am trying to estimate how any calories I burn when I use the manual weed whipper.

The whipper that I am using has a 12 inch, serrated, metal blade attached at roughly 4 1/2 foot shovel handle and weighs about 2 - 3 lbs. (Shown here: It's swung some what like a golf club - though I tend to prefer to swing one handed. (I also have a lighter one that actually is mounted on a golf club handle ( On average, I think that I'm probably swinging it between 25-40 times a minute, and each swing (like a golf swing) engages the lower torso and legs as well.

Any thoughts on how I can estimate the calories I'm burning?

Thanks, Diane
