I got surprised with some new shoes :]

My boyfriend is so encouraging and amazing! He says great things like, wow you look hot in that dress, it's so sexy when you go to the gym, you look so good all hot and sweaty (when I get back from a run -- I feel so unsexy when I'm running but he's helping me change my attitude) etc. And he is always noticing when I'm losing weight even when it's just a few pounds. :] And bless his heart he had a sit down with me to make sure what he was saying was encouraging. He said that he wanted to say something about my weight loss because he noticed and he cared, but he wanted to be encouraging so I should tell him if what he was saying wasn't motivating. And he's said one thing ever that wasn't just perfectly helpful, so he's got a great record :]

I was really excited because I wore a hole in a pair of shoes where they bend instead of exhausting the arch support in the shoes. This was the first time that has happened. In general my shoes are lasting longer now that I am lighter even though I am running more miles. The boyfriend asked me where I bought my shoes when I told him (the answer was the Shoe Carnival) and I was like weird question but whatever!

A week later he told me we were going out to dinner. So I'm in a nice day dress and some flats and wouldn't you know he stopped at a running store (Red Coyote) where they analyze your gait and make a specific recommendation for you. I was so embarrassed! But I understood why it was a surprise because if he had told me I would have said no. Fortunately the fat kid in me always layers my clothing so I was able to strip off my dress and still be wearing a tank top and shorts (though I was in a regular bra) and since they do the analysis barefoot, so my shoes were not an issue.

I got my gait analyzed and my form is really good! Five toes on, five toes off, straight line from my achilles, no over/under protonation, my arches are good, and I'm striking the right part of my foot. I was always so afraid to have gait analysis done because I thought all my work on my form wouldn't show up, or something hah. So anyway, they brought out a couple pair of shoes and when I liked one of them they brought out these babies


Can I just say I am IN LOVE WITH MY BOYFRIEND? He bought these shoes even though they were expensive, he said, get the shoes you like, it doesn't matter what they cost (I like tripled checked). And when I thanked him for my shoes for about the hundredth time, he said, thank you for needing them, I'm so glad you are taking your health seriously, and I know you'll wear them out. I responded with of course I'll tear them up! And I told him that I'm going to think about him even more when I am running. He admitted that that was a pro :]

These shoes are AMAZING. And so perfecto for me. I can run more because of the support on the mid foot without my feet hurting. Even more than how wonderfully awesome these shoes are... they make me feel so loved and appreciated. My boyfriend knows me and he loves me and my goals are important to him. And they totally make me want to go running. They do mean if I run on the track at the gym I have to bring other shoes for the other gym equipment, but that's pretty great too :] it makes me feel like I am a legitimate athlete. Which, come to think of it, someone who runs 3-4 miles a day 6 days a week is pretty freaking athletic XD even if I am still about 210 pounds :]


  • blc1971
    blc1971 Posts: 170 Member
    What a great post!! You've got a real "keeper" there and so does he. It's really wonderful to have that kind of loving support and you totally deserve to be treated with respect, which it sounds like he does. Tell him to keep up the good work and make sure to appreciate each other every day. Congrats on your success!
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Awww, what a sweet guy! Really happy for your new shoes and your very thoughtful partner :)
  • BlueFisherKing
    BlueFisherKing Posts: 28 Member
    You go girl!
    Nothing like a new par of running shoes to feel like Rocky Balboa :wink:
    And it sounds like you absolutely found a keeper! There's few things better than supportive people around you. I'm fortunate to have an entire family supporting me in my fitness; my dad goes running with me when he can and my brother bought me a pair of Altra Torin running shoes, which are so light and comfortable and good for the dirt trails I run.

    And 4-6 miles, 6 days a week is insane! You totally are an athlete :glasses:
    I'm on week 7 of C25k but I'll be there some day! You're an inspiration!
    Keep runnin'.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    congrats on finding a sweetie to help you out!!! He sounds awesome.

    And YAY For new shoes!!!
    :) YAY I love new shoes!!!!!

    <other more better runners would know better but it's highly likely that if you wore hole in the shoe- they were broken down and in need of replacement far before you wore a hole into the outside- unless they were minimalist no padding shoes... typical running shoes are good for around 3 months- or 300 miles- maybe that's changed with new technology- but that was the rule of thumb I have used.... I honestly never replaced mine that often- but I should have>
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    I love your boyfriend too! What a great guy.
  • jrline
    jrline Posts: 2,353 Member
    awesome good shoes are key to sticking with jogging/running

  • keladry89
    keladry89 Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks, you guys. XD He is one of the good ones for sure! I'm so fortunate to have him :] But everyone should be loved the way he loves me, really. I only hope I love him that well :]

    They were New Balance Minimus. Most of my shoes are pretty low profile, but I usually stop wearing shoes because my feet hurt not because a hole appeared. At the running store they recommend something with a little more support than what I had been using. Hence the Newton's.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    oh well then yeah- on point for that.

    I wear minimalist shoes now so I don't worry about padding.

    Sounds like you got it well under control!!!!

    again YAY FOR NEW SHOES!!!

    (i need new dance shoes- I hate spending the money so I haven't yet- for shame)