Does anyone else get itchy??



  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    i want this on my news feed.
  • ashenriver
    ashenriver Posts: 498 Member
    This used to happen to me, on my stomach and thighs, which are also the fattest part of me.
    Every time I would go for a run I would itch like crazy.
    Once I started being more active overall and more consistent I no longer get that itchy feeling.

    In an older forum (cant remember the topic) someone mentioned it had something to do with capillaries and blood flow.

    A quote that I love was something like "Its like your capillaries are dancing for joy that you are moving" explaining the itchy feeling.
  • HazelMcNutty
    HazelMcNutty Posts: 85 Member
    When it gets cool out (40 -60 degrees) and I start sweating I can get hives all over, starting in the areas most exposed to the breeze.... it so bad that I carry benadryl with me all the time.... I googled it and found out that it is an actual "allergy"... sweat evaporating in cool weather.... I wear dry-fit, but doesn't matter... the only solution I have found to work is to slightly over-dress. Its crazy, but as soon as the temp drops below 40 I never have any issues... And since running in the heat smacks me around, I have become a dedicated winter runner.... I have learned to love running in the cold...

    I do notice it more when it's cold out.. I can't say if I've noticed it when on the tredmill I'll have to try to think about it next time I run inside.
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    I get this too. I always figured it was nerve/capillary reaction to all the vibration in that area. But I'm no scientist. So.... :flowerforyou:
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Yea. It's horrible. It's either exercise induced urticaria or exercise induced anaphylaxis. I have the latter. And it can be really dangerous. I passed out once. I have to keep an epi pen on me when I'm working out. It's not fabric, or sweat, or anything like that. You might want to see an allergist. It does get better when your body gets acclimated to it after a few days, but for me, if I stop for a couple of days and then work out, it flares right back up. It's the most awful thing. And I haven't had any success with allergy pills. It's the worst. Ugh. Especially for someone who enjoys running but sometimes can't do it consecutively all the time.